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I had a little bit of a break from CWT recently and it's time to jump back into the fray!!


Updates- Made the choice to leave active duty (10.5 years) for the Army National Guard and made a big move to DFW area. Still getting settled down here with the wife and doing our house hunting.


Found some great rifle ranges and gun stores (god bless Texas).


Took the wife to Sedona this past weekend (I did get to swing by the Outdoorsmans) and it reminded me how much I loved my AZ hunting experience. I'm building points but if all goes well I'm planning on a Jan 2018 OTC bow hunt.


Anyone in the DFW area sound off!!



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A little south of ya, I am in Corpus Christi. Traded the desert for the humidity. Yuck. Texas is nice but I do miss the public land of Arizona! Did you get a lifetime license before you moved? Best thing I did for the wife and I. Still get in the resident draw just pay non resident prices.

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A little south of ya, I am in Corpus Christi. Traded the desert for the humidity. Yuck. Texas is nice but I do miss the public land of Arizona! Did you get a lifetime license before you moved? Best thing I did for the wife and I. Still get in the resident draw just pay non resident prices.



Unfortunately I've never been a resident of AZ-- been there a few times for training and then for hunting. My last duty station was Fort Knox- but I didn't get the lifetime license. I will go back for turkey season this spring!!

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A little south of ya, I am in Corpus Christi. Traded the desert for the humidity. Yuck. Texas is nice but I do miss the public land of Arizona! Did you get a lifetime license before you moved? Best thing I did for the wife and I. Still get in the resident draw just pay non resident prices.

Your comment about moving from the desert to the humidity reminds me of a range officer at the RSSC range in Mesa AZ. He moved from Louisiana to Mesa. His opinion is that he moved from a dishwasher to an oven.

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