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This past weekend I took a small group of women camping on the San Carlos. These are women that have attended the Becoming an Outdoorswoman workshop (BOW) that I teach classes at and they wanted to get out and do something more. We call it Beyond BOW. So Linda Dightmon and I planned to take the ladies to camp and fish and squirrel hunt along with listening to the elk and enjoying other wildlife. The ladies came from all over the state (as far as Yuma!) and met at my house in Globe. Then we cruised on up to the rez and camped up in the Dry Lake area.


We had tons of great food and a really enjoyable time. We hunted the numerous Abert's squirrels in the area and cooked some up in a dutch oven one night with some cream of mushroom soup. Wow was it good!! Makes it a lot easier to shoot those cute little furry guys when they taste so good!


here is a picture of a lady who has never hunted and who took my big game hunting class this past Aug. She hasn't even hardly camped before (my friend Linda outfitted her with tent, sleeping bag and such). But she wants to learn how to camp and hunt so she can take her two young sons out as they grow up. She even wanted to learn how to gut the squirrels and after showing her one, she did her own by herself! That's some dedication! here is a pic of her and her first squirrel! she made a great shot after showing lots of patience by waiting for just the right time and taking careful aim! I was impressed!

All the ladies got at least one squirrel each, so it was fun.




And the same lady who is in the photo above, had not seen or heard an elk bugle before, so she was amazed at all the singing they do! We went out in the early morning and snuck up on a bull (which was pretty amazing considering it was 6 women and my dog!. I took a little video of it. He is a nice one! In addition to some elk we saw lots of turkeys too, but no bear (which suprised me, but was fine with the other ladies). We tried a little fishing at POP lake and had no luck.





Anyway, it was a great trip full of all kinds of extravagances....like pink champagne and orange juice for mimosas (and some pink champagne in the squirrel stew), fresh flowers in a plastic vase on a nice table, all kinds of amazingly good gourmet cheeses and wine. Carne asada, stuffed portabello mushrooms and much more great food.


Those of you with wives or girlfriends or daughters that you want to introduce to the outdoors, I highly recommend the BOW program. It's a great way for women to get skills they need to get outdoors and have fun!



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Sounds like a great time Amanda! Also sounds like you all weren't hurting one little bit for good food!!!! ;)






PS: Erik and I smoked-up some elk jerkey last wekend. Yummy....

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I also did some squirrel hunting this past weekend, in between my attempt to find a turkey.


As you can guess I did better at the squirrel than I did at the turkey. :(


Boy them little guys sure do taste pretty good after a somber day in the field. :lol:

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I am not aloud to comment on this thread..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:


HA HA HA...I was thinkin' about you when I saw that squirrel!!! Does somebody have a soft spot for those tasty little tree-rats! :lol: :P At least the ones that Amanda and her friends ate never drank out of a toilet! :lol: :P Now THAT is funny right there!



Hey Amanda, that is awesome you put in the time and effort to that program, fantastic job!!! Also, I think that is incredible about that lady doing all that so she can teach her boys and get them involved! AWESOME! Thanks again for all you do Amanda! JIM>

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That is great stuff! I tip my hand to the lady with the two sons...they are welcome at my camp anytime.

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Great close up video (and soundtrack) and allowing your friends to experience that..


I got a couple squirrells while I was also turkey scouting and they bbq'd up fine that night, and took my girlfriend shooting the shotgun when patterning and she now wants to go squirrell and dove hunting and take the safety course. That was a shocker.


Good hunting,


Mike B



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