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Hornady SST's

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I have shot these in a .260,6.5 CM,.270 Win, and the best group that I can get is between an inch and a half to two inches. Most are loaded 12-15 thousands off the lands. A bud of mine loaded some up in his Tikka 30-06 same deal. Anyone have any luck with these?

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I shot this group last two weeks ago 280 Rem 162g sst


I don't know how you do your load development but for me I do a ladder test at 400years the. I take the best group and group test at diferant depths normally starting at the lands if possible. In this rifle case I don't know how close I am to the lands because I'm as long as the mag box will allow.


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My 6.5x55 does ok with them. Probably 1" groups or so, which is totally fine for me for an old sporterized battle rifle from 100 years ago.

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Jim, put them on the scale and you will see why they don't shoot worth a darn. Only thing I use them for is a cheap barrel break in bullet or fire forming. I have seen differences in bullet weight by up to three grains within the same box of 100. The .30 cal 150s have consistently been the worst I have encountered with the biggest spread but I have seen some big variances in the 6.5's and 7mms as well. Most bullets even the cheap bulk Remington or Winchester stuff will be within a half grain and most of your big name bullets like Berger, Sierra and Nosler will be within .2 or less, generally less. To be fair the SST line is the only line of bullets from Hornady that I have had this problem with. Try separating them by weight and see if anything improves.

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