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Is 23 enough

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My father in law will be going in with 23 and more than likely the last year for him to be able to hunt.Is 23 points enough he's leaning towards 10 or possibly 4a just want to get the tag then we will put in the work to find a respectable buck

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Thanks that what I thought but wasn't sure hopefully there's no point creep

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What about 19a muzzy? Guaranteed he'd get it. With muzzleloader technology these days there isn't a goat in the unit you couldn't kill with a little patience and some range time.

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What about 19a muzzy? Guaranteed he'd get it. With muzzleloader technology these days there isn't a goat in the unit you couldn't kill with a little patience and some range time.

That's not totally true. Private land issues make some of those goats unkillable.

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What about 19a muzzy? Guaranteed he'd get it. With muzzleloader technology these days there isn't a goat in the unit you couldn't kill with a little patience and some range time.

That's not totally true. Private land issues make some of those goats unkillable.

Very true. I probably should have phrased that a little different. I was meaning more along the lines of the weapon then the land ownership but you are correct on that.

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If this is the last yr he can hunt, make sure he puts in for a unit he can draw, why take the chance of not drawing?

That was my first thought as well. If it's likely to be the last chance to hunt I'd rather get a tag then hope and pray to get a trophy tag.

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19a was a thought but didn't want to deal with private property issue and he's not completely out of commission yet just doesn't get around as good his thoughts were I've waited this long why settle we know 4a and 10 pretty well that's the only reason we were thinking those units

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19a was a thought but didn't want to deal with private property issue and he's not completely out of commission yet just doesn't get around as good his thoughts were I've waited this long why settle we know 4a and 10 pretty well that's the only reason we were thinking those units

Sounds like if you're down to your last year or two of ever getting to hunt is a pretty good reason to settle.

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