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Back from Montana

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Hey guys, back from Montana and brought home a purdy 'Loper! I talked Pops into going with me and the plane ride there sucked and the baggage handlers thought my gun case would make for a great pry-bar or something as it was destroyed when we got into Billings! Luckily the gun wasn't hurt and I checked the zero at the ranch and everything was still good. I had purchased this hunt from the AES banquet last year so it was fully outfitted by Miles Hutton of Borderline Outfitters. The ranch is less than a mile from the border of Canada and at any time I could look north and see Saskatchewan.....and usually there were Eastern Whities runnin' around! The country was rolling grasslands and farm feilds and there were no trees or big bushes for as far as you could see. My main hope for this hunt was to get to hunt for the 'Lopers. I didn't want to just drive around, I wanted to feel like I hunted for them. My main reason for this was because I still had the thought that we wouldn't see anything big, so if I was going to kill a small buck, than I wanted to work hard for it! Right off the bat we found some good bucks and things were looking up. I passed up two bucks opening morning and as we hiked through the hills we found several other groups of goats and found a herd that had some big goats! I laid eyes on one that just got me all excited! He had foward growing horns and good prongs, very wide and seemed to have some good mass. I really just liked the shape and style and said I would kill it if given the chance. There was another buck in the herd that had better mass, smaller prongs and not as wide, but he may have scored higher than the buck I liked, but I didn't care. This buck was awesome looking and i wanted it. We were stuck in the open and laid still forever waiting for the critters to calm down and as soon as they all dissapeared behind a ridge we took off. We made a long loop to get ahead of em' and then crawled up to the ridgeline to peek over and they were right there. I scrambled up higher to clear my barrel of the slope of the ridge and had my buck in the crosshairs but couldn't get steady. I pulled off and watched the herd filter over the next ridge. Again we were off and scrambling to get in position before they got too much distance on us, and again we started belly crawlin' up to the top. This time the herd was closer and looking away so I had time to get up on my tripod and shooting sticks and instantly had my buck in the crosshairs! He was broadside facing right and I will never forget that site picture.......big mature 'Loper with my crosshairs rock solid on his shoulder! The distance was around 250 yrds and it felt awesome to pull the trigger! BOOM! The gun went off and instead of dropping he reared and bolted ahead of the herd and out of sight just over the ridge! I told Miles I hit em' and he agreed but I knew I must have pulled the shot because he didn't break down like I expected. I have a tendancy to pull left and high when I don't concentrate on my shots and I figured I was so wrapped up in the moment I didn't pay enough attention to the shot! We got over to where he was at the shot and could see his white belly another 50 yrds down the hill! I later learned the shot was left and center punched through the lungs explainin' why he didn't drop! I got real excited when I pulled his head out of the grass! He has super mass that the pic's don't do justice for, and awesome character! One of his prongs is broken pretty bad but most of it is still there and I just think it adds to his character! The body and especially his head are huge compared to our desert speed goats and they have even thicker coats than our goats here. Where I killed this 'Loper is only about 3 miles from the Saskatchewan fence and I know they grow some huge deer there, so I would have to say they grow some huge 'Lopers too! We called in and threw lead at some coyotes during the following days and gained several pounds due to all the home cooked meals! It was awesome to have Pops there to share in this experience with me, can't wait to go back! BTW.....Montana does have some good goats after all! :P



I unfortunately took very few (actually only this one) scenic pics, so here it is....




And here's my 'Loper!








And here is my outfitter on this trip Miles Hutton. Super guy, wonderful family, and incredible operation!



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Awesome speedster you got there Jim. Glad to see your Pops made the trip with you because there is nothing like

hunting with family and friends. Great sunset as well and the goat is a mighty fine one.

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The gun went off and instead of dropping he reared and bolted ahead of the herd and out of sight just over the ridge


Real nice antelope! Looks like you got out of there before the snow started flying!


Stellar sunset- looks almost like AZ with the windmill.


Thanks for sharing the story - I thought for a second you might have missed him :P




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that is a beautiful antelope....congrats


nice knee pads looks like you are ready to go rollerblading :P :lol:...I bet they helped

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Jim, those sure are some cute knee pads ;)


Great goat! maybe i should start whining... theres no big deer in 36b, i cant believe i have a december 36b tag, i dont even want to go :D

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Great loper and great pics as usuall. I always look forward to your stories since it makes us feel like we were there with you. Thanks for sharing.



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