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Gun safe upgrade

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So I am in the market for a new bigger gun safe. I am looking to spend right around a $1000. What is the best safe for that kind of money and where does everyone find them? I have looked at Sportsmans and Tractor Supply Co. but know that there has to be several other places to look. Thanks

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There is a store W of 27 Ave on the S side of Indian School. All they do is safes. They sometimes have trade-ins. I got a great deal on a traded in American Security Safe about 5 years ago. Sorry, I cant remember the name of the place.

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My memory is getting a little slow bit slow.



The Safe Store
2727 West Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85017

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Do your research.

What do you want your safe to do?

Keep guns out of reach of kids? Any will do.

Keep guns out of reach of thieves? Get a good one. $1k isn't going to cut it.

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$1000 ain't nothing.

I spent 3x that much and got a Fort Knox.

The only thing I have to worry about is somebody yanking it out of the concrete and dragging it down the road.

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I got a liberty safe! They claim their mid price 500 range takes over 35 min ( can't remember exactly) for a thief to break in. Most can get in within 5-15 min. ( thieves that know what they are doing.) I got the 1000 dollar model. They had someone try and after 45 min they gave up ( according to Liberty ). Also these attempts are made knocking down the safe on its back,and the thief uses a crowbar and their body weight to tear it open. Make sure you get the 3 bolts on side top and bottom and not the 2. Make sure you bolt it down or put it somewhere where it's very difficult to knock it on its back.

Fire rating depends on where your safe is at. If it's at the edge of a house it won't burn more then 30 min, if it's in the middle of the house you want a 45 min. Middle of a very large house 4000 sq ft get a 60 min rating at 1400 degree.

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Remember these safes are for protecting from fires and keeping items away from children, less responsible people in your house, and the odd smash and grab burglar who happens across your safe when in fact, he came for the jewelry and XBOX. Don't get caught up in anti pry whizz bangs and big chrome locking bolts when the wall thickness is less than 1/8th inch.


Sure, a few thousand dollars worth will keep two goons with crowbars at bay for a long time, but someone who has came specifically for your guns/safe content will only need a minute or two with an cordless angle grinder/cutoff wheel (even seen portable torch kits used) to render your big money safe worthless. The longest part of the operation would be the multiple trips, carrying all your stuff out.


Please don't take me as "that guy", I too own a "premium" safe from a big box store. Just being real about the capabilities of these containers. I think the best preventive in the case of the experienced bad guys is not being flashy in your neighborhood/social media/internet about what you keep in your house. There is definitely something to be said for the fire protection merits too.


To the OP, I would recommend a dial lock (S&G if you can find one) for reliability and decide on whats more important for you right now. Size/capacity vs fire protection (duration). You have your budget decided and should look for the best combo of fire protection vs size to suit your requirements. At that budget I would also be looking for sales at the big names already mentioned. CostCo, Sam's, Lowe's, Home Depot, Sportsman's, Bass Pro, Cabela's, Tractor Supply and you may be able to talk them down a bit more if you get a floor model that has been handled.

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I have had three safes and out grew them all. I now have multiple safe in various locations. I like my Fort Knox the best.

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I have a custom made safe with 3/16" steel and double keyed tumblers with steel casings. Problem is it weighs over 850 pounds and I am getting too old to deal with it. 36" wide and has long guns on the right and shelves for ammo or pistols on the left. I would consider selling it for $1000 if you want a big ugly brown safe. I paid more than that 20 years ago.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. To me it kind of reminds me of buying new tires for my truck. It is something that I have to do but hate spending the money. I would much rather spend the money on another rifle to go inside it. Looking around it is amazing how much money you can spend of a safe.

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