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SB 1182 Ban of Lion and Bobcat Hunting

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Has no chance.


California hunters said the same when the ban on hunting lions came around.

Michigan hunters said the same when the ban on dove hunting came around.

Hunters said the same when wolves were introduced.

Target shooters said the same thing when the Forest service said they were shutting down Tucson Rod and Gun.

4x4 & off road enthusiast said the same when they heard the Forest Svc was going to blade the Charlou Gap.


Please understand I'm not calling you out specifically when I quoted you. Wasn't meant that way. It's that I'm reading comments just like that all over the place and I'd hope people understand the severity of this bill being submitted. Over the years I've watched too many people crossing their arms and saying - it'll never happen - while people like Farley walk around them and get their agenda completed. Folks working with Farley know it'll just take time and they have deep pockets to keep driving the agenda forward while sportsmen pound away on social media saying it'll never happen.


Be sure that if you live in, or know friends that live in Az District 9 they best be writing Steve Farley because he represents YOU/THEM when he submitted the bill. Those folks can contact Steve via his email Steve@FriendsOFarley.com (and his web page http://www.friendsofarley.com/). Ask him why he feels there is need for the bill and what his justification is? Advise him you do not support this as your representative.


Lastly - if you know of someone that's up for running against him I'd love to talk with that person.

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This part is well said. Although I don't feel we need ranchers and farmers to take this on for us.

This is an example of someone trying to rule on high and force the masses to follow his beliefs even though the majority disagree with his beliefs. Science and experiences in neighboring states be damned. Liberal attempt to force liberal ideology onto the masses who are not smart enough. In his mind, we need him to protect us because we cannot do it for ourselves.

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So... does Farley's degree in Birkenstocks and Feelings from Williams college qualify him as a biologist or wildlife manager?

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2500 Lions would consume 125,000 Deer size animals a YEAR. A good steward of the State's finances would support hunting and the money it brings into the State. Not support a ban on hunting Lions that costs to manage the population would fall solely on the State. Not to mention a reduction in big game tags and associated lost income to the State due to an increase in Lion population.

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These libs love to call call conservatives "science deniers" but last time I looked wildlife biology is a science. Why doesnt Farley let the wildlife biologist handle this instead of trying to put it to a public vote? Also, this d bag is pandering to his low info voting base. Leg hold traps are banned on public land already.

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Please email the members of the senate natural resources, energy, and water committee who will be reviewing this bill, it will likely have a bigger impact than emailing Farley the bill sponser.


The committee members can be found here. https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/CommitteeOverView?SessionID=117

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And now we know who's backing Farley. It's the Humane Society of US!


We're not playing with little league amateurs, this is full blown professionals that would be coaching Farley and calling the shots on bills like this.


Like I said before - this needs to get hunters attention!


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For your convince I have compiled a list of the senators on the board for this issue. Don't let this one get away guys, any Arizona hunter needs to be involved in this, if you give them an inch they will take a mile.










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Someone in Tucson needs to run against Grijalva. Sherrif Babu should run for Penzones position when he doesnt follow the laws set up by the feds that Trump reinforced today.

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For your convince I have compiled a list of the senators on the board for this issue. Don't let this one get away guys, any Arizona hunter needs to be involved in this, if you give them an inch they will take a mile.













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For your convince I have compiled a list of the senators on the board for this issue. Don't let this one get away guys, any Arizona hunter needs to be involved in this, if you give them an inch they will take a mile.










Thank you for putting this together. I just sent an individual email to each one and hope everyone else does likewise.

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I emailed everyone on the list and received an email from Fann saying she's against it. I know Allen will be against it as well. I just worry if it ever became a proposition and the people got to vote on it we would be in trouble.

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I emailed everyone on the list and received an email from Fann saying she's against it. I know Allen will be against it as well. I just worry if it ever became a proposition and the people got to vote on it we would be in trouble.

^^^^^^ This^^^^^^


This is just a start, shot over the bow to see what reaction and kind off opposition there will be. Adjustments will be made and another attack will come. Eventually I see come to a prop vote and that's when we will become California.



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And now we know who's backing Farley. It's the Humane Society of US!


We're not playing with little league amateurs, this is full blown professionals that would be coaching Farley and calling the shots on bills like this.


Like I said before - this needs to get hunters attention!


shout out to Bob Oconnor, my neighbor a few doors down and star valley town councilman.

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