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Application Question

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I am interested in applying for only one hunt number. Can I apply with that one number choice for all 3-4 choices without my application being disallowed?

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If you use the search feature you can find several old threads explaining how the draw works and why it makes no sense to put the same hunt number multiple times

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If you only want to be drawn for one specific unit then yes you can put in for 6A for all 4 choices but it makes no difference. Unless the hunt you are drawing for doesn't meet the 1st or 2nd pass. As said before there is a thread on this topic from a year or so ago that explains the drawn process. To answer your ? your tag wont be disallowed for having hunt #3148 on it 4 times. :)

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If it's the only hunt he is wanting to draw, then yes it makes sense if he is in the bonus pass for a possible second choice selection. I've used a tactic similar to this for my deer applications, but instead of only using one hunt number, I used two and had them for all of my choices.


If you're using it to avoid drawing a lesser desirable second choice, then it makes sense. If you're ok with drawing a different second choice, then I don't know why you would put the same hunt number for all selections.

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If it's the only hunt he is wanting to draw, then yes it makes sense if he is in the bonus pass for a possible second choice selection. I've used a tactic similar to this for my deer applications, but instead of only using one hunt number, I used two and had them for all of my choices.


If you're using it to avoid drawing a lesser desirable second choice, then it makes sense. If you're ok with drawing a different second choice, then I don't know why you would put the same hunt number for all selections.

how would he get turned down in the first pass, but get drawn in the second pass with the same hunt number?

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If it's the only hunt he is wanting to draw, then yes it makes sense if he is in the bonus pass for a possible second choice selection. I've used a tactic similar to this for my deer applications, but instead of only using one hunt number, I used two and had them for all of my choices.


If you're using it to avoid drawing a lesser desirable second choice, then it makes sense. If you're ok with drawing a different second choice, then I don't know why you would put the same hunt number for all selections.

how would he get turned down in the first pass, but get drawn in the second pass with the same hunt number?


He wouldn't but he can still put in for the same unit all 4 times

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If it's the only hunt he is wanting to draw, then yes it makes sense if he is in the bonus pass for a possible second choice selection. I've used a tactic similar to this for my deer applications, but instead of only using one hunt number, I used two and had them for all of my choices.


If you're using it to avoid drawing a lesser desirable second choice, then it makes sense. If you're ok with drawing a different second choice, then I don't know why you would put the same hunt number for all selections.

how would he get turned down in the first pass, but get drawn in the second pass with the same hunt number?


He wouldn't but he can still put in for the same unit all 4 times


for like an exercise in futility or what?

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I do my hunt choice for both 1st and second choice. I always have and had no issue. I have not drawn though??! I was under the impression for some reason it was possible to get my second choice even if it was the same number, guess I might be wrong.

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Depending on the hunt code and past history, you may only need it as a 1st choice, but as mentioned, you can use the same for all 4 choices.


Mule, they look at both choices in both the Bonus Pass and the 1-2 Pass so there is no instance where you would draw 2nd choice if the 1st choice was the same hunt code. Where people make a mistake is to have an easier to draw hunt as their 2nd choice and in the Bonus Pass, all the 1st choice tags are gone when they get to your number and you draw the 2nd choice. You are then out of the draw and never get to the 1-2 Pass where you would have had a chance at the 1st choice tag.

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Based on the history of the draw, non-drawing of the draw, or non-entry into the draw, I'd put the same hunt # in all 5 spots if all you wanted was one hunt. In fact, it is exactly what I do for deer. Can't hurt and who knows? You always seem to hear about people not drawing a tag only to find out there are leftovers for the hunt they applied for.


Simple answer to his question is yes you can.

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Simple answer is yes you can. But there is no reason to. It doesn't do anything for ya. When your random number comes up in both the bonus pass and 1 2 pass they look at both your choices. If there are not tags available for your first choice they will look to see if there are tags for your second. Being you had the same hunt number you will get a tag based on your first choice or not drawn because of the same hunt number.


The only reason I can see putting first and second the same is if that's the hunt you want to take a long shot on but want a tag so put 3,4, and 5th choices as limited opp hunts that usually have left over tags. Losing bonus points is what makes most avoid playing that game.

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