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I think I F'd up big time

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I applied for elk and antelope with a hunting license that expires on 1/22/2017. The draw deadline isn't until sometime in February. I thought that you just had to have a valid hunting license at the time you apply and then before the hunt that you draw starts. After reading the regs I think I screwed up royally! Has this happened to anyone else? Will game and fish let me correct it? I highly doubt it.

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I called and asked them that exact question a couple years ago and was told that as long as my license was good when I put in, and I had a valid one when it was time to hunt, I was fine. But by all means feel free to call them and double check. They're actually one of the better state agencies to call, you usually get through to a real life person pretty quickly.

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I called and asked the same question because I was concerned about the 365 day license thing. Lady at G&F office repeated exactly what matts281 said.

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That's what I thought but then I read in the regs that your license has to be valid at the draw deadline and then valid before your hunt starts and those can be 2 different licenses.

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From the regs:

When applying for a hunt, you must have

a license valid through deadline day of that draw. If drawn for a hunt permit-tag, you must also have a valid license at the time

of the hunt. These may not be the same license under the new 365 day licenses.

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Just go online and buy yourself a new license that is valid before draw deadline and you're fine. Making a big deal out of nothing. Their system will see you have a valid license.

So the fact that the license I applied with will be expired at the time the tag is issued won't matter?

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You are good. I applied last year using my 2015 license. Realized my goof and called. She assured me I was fine.

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I frigging hate this new license deal.

I go to G$F near X-mas to buy next years archery tag and mountain lion tag. I get my license and have them date it to start Jan. 1st.

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So here is a secret no one really knows, the draw doesn't look at your license #.


Last year I did my mom's app and didn't know her license #, so I just put mine in. No problem, worked just fine.

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So here is a secret no one really knows, the draw doesn't look at your license #.


Last year I did my mom's app and didn't know her license #, so I just put mine in. No problem, worked just fine.


Until the cycle there is another check/balance in place and it throws you out of the draw. They may not now, but there's no reason they can't track statistics on % of valid licenses and duplicates, lost money makes change.


Not saying your wrong, but I wouldn't trust it.

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