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Arizona bill that would let you shoot snakes

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Anybody hear about this law they are trying to pass??

Kinda weird, guess I would just go get a shovel and kill the snake, but if you read on down it talks about 4 species of rattlesnakes that are protected???


(Photo: Dave Seibert/The Republic)

Rep. Jay Lawrence has a plan for ridding your yard of pesky rats and snakes: Fire away!

House Bill 2022 would lift a ban against firing a weapon within city limits to accommodate those who want to eliminate the critters, as long as the appropriate rat shot or snake shot is used.

The idea came from a constituent in his Scottsdale/Fountain Hills district, Lawrence, R-Scottsdale, said. And who hasn't been bothered — or frightened — to the point of wanting to blast said critter to oblivion?

But there's a slight hitch: Some people in the district have called the Capitol to say they have no issue with shooting roof rats and their ilk, but the snakes? That's a different matter.

RELATED: Woman arrested for firing at snake at school

According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, four species of snakes have state protections. Shooting them could get you in trouble with game wardens, unless the shooting happens during the open-hunting season, said Thomas R. Jones, program manager for the amphibian and reptiles program at the department. And don't even think about the four species that have federal Endangered Species Act protections.

The good news, Jones said, is no protected snakes are in urban areas. Still, there are better ways to get rid of an annoying snake, he said.

You could call a professional to remove the snake or do it yourself, if you know how, he said. Besides, "they're a really important predator on our rodent population," Jones said.

That concern could wane if HB2022 passes and people just shoot rodents.

The bill gets its first hearing at 2 p.m. on January 18 before the House Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.

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Shovels are good, as are rakes and boot heels (depending on the variety of snake). I hope they tack pigeons on to that bill, I hate feeling like an outlaw every time one of them has a sudden heart attack and falls off my roof....

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Dumb idea. I live in Fountain Hills and those old turds from the flatlands would shoot everything but the snake. If they limit it to birdshot in your pistol I am all for it. That is the only round that is effective anyway.

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This is the best bill I have ever herd off. I really hope it passes!!!! F those nasty snakes.......

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snake hunters tools


a forked branch from a creosol bush and fingers


can't count how many rattlers - toss in garbage bag freeze - ship to taxidermists for $$$


depending on the mount and size they fetch $150

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snake hunters tools


a forked branch from a creosol bush and fingers


can't count how many rattlers - toss in garbage bag freeze - ship to taxidermists for $$$


depending on the mount and size they fetch $150

Wow, I didn't know that. Pretty cool, so just freeze them to death then call around to see which taxidermist will pay for one? I'm gonna have to try to remember that instead of throwing the biggest rocks I can find around me at their heads.

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snake hunters tools


a forked branch from a creosol bush and fingers


can't count how many rattlers - toss in garbage bag freeze - ship to taxidermists for $$$


depending on the mount and size they fetch $150


Only if it's a very long branch and fingers from someone else.

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