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Athlon Cronus 8.5x42

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I have a pair of Euros 15x and love them. The quality is great and suggested by others on here it is right behind Swaros if not better then Zeiss or the same. But I bought a Athlon Cronus 4.5-29x56 scope and could tell the glass was really good. And for the price it was a no brainer. If the glass was good I also needed a 8x for archery and hunting in the Pines and pinyons, so I contacted Chris (Douglas-gun-guy) on the forum since he is a dealer for Athlon and bought me the Athlon Cronus 8.5x42 binos. The glass on these are very clear. I compared them to my Nikon Monarch 5s 12x42. I know the power is different but I wanted to see glass. It wasn't just a tad difference it was a lot. As soon as you looked through it you could tell there was a major difference. So I compared it to my Cableas Euros 15x and could tell the glass was right there with it.





Then I compared it to the Euros when it was getting dark to compare. The Cronus was right there with the Euros. There was no comparison to the Nikon. Even tried them inside the house and it seemed brighter in my optic then what it really was. The Nikon made it darker then what it really was.



I probably spent 30 mins on these total so I don't have lots of hours on them yet. The Cronus feels nice in my hands and fits to my eyes perfect. I would say its right there with glass quality to the Euros as of right now. The Nikon is 12x around $350 and the 8x is around $300. These Cronus are around 450-480 and I got it better less then that when Chris had it on the Holiday Sale. I know Athlon is trying get their foot in the market and keeping prices low. My belief once they get a hold these binos will probably go up to 1200 and the scope will probably go well over 2500. But for right now don't waste money on a $350 bino when you can spend a 100-200 more and get a 1000 dollar quality pair, or even a 800-900 dollars bino like the Vortex don't waste your time. My Euros beats the crap out of my brothers 900 dollar 15s night and day. Like the Cableas Euros they are right behind just a slight notch behind the Swaros and for half the cost they are a no Brainer!! Just like these Cronos they are a no brainer for the cost.


Right now they only make 8.5x and 10x. I don't know why they havent made 15s yet.


If this helps anyone take a look into it.


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