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Using Coverup Scents Sprays / Wafers

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I got mixed feels about all the hype on coverup scents and wafers


I'm not talking about attractant stuff. The market is flooded with different brands and what they do to kill scent , Technology has come a long way to try to help hunters avoid the keen noses of the animals we hunt.


yes - use the wind and don't worry- only goes so far as we all know wind direction - thermals swirling can all change in a blink eye also -- it never stays the same.


I'll admit to trying a lot of different brands - too many to even name - I can never really attest to how good they really work in the field , to be honest .


I'll normally wash my clothes in a scent / perfume free detergent - I then changed to using plain baking soda - I always air dry on clothes line , then use whatever brand I bought to try to further the non- odor I would like to think I would be getting during the hunt- even after dried store in separate big zip lock baggies etc.


My latest quest - Wildlife Research Center 99% Scent Killer Gold - not the kit with soap shampoo etc just the spray - suppose to last 10 days . even though I have tried their other stuff before .


newly washed clothes - air dried - sprayed both sides on clothes line and let dry - then bagged- spray hat - gloves backpack even bow sling etc - even my socks and boots


spent a full day in field hiking up down mtns - 3-4 miles temps in 70's- hung out over night and then resprayed bagged,


Went hunting yesterday - hiked couple hillsides -several hrs . Located a herd of piggys thanks to some very generous hunters - not surprising a CWT member


long story short - ended up downwind to within 20 yrds for at least 10-15 min.


they never acted like they could smell me - but every little noise of my sneaking closer - they would turn their heads and look and listen . this stuff is so thick - the windows of shooting lanes is very limited. My buddy ended up busting them from above .


I got no shoots but was fun had a chance at 3 yrds but danged thick stuff - then pig in open wouldn't stop either - so piggys loping all over the place but no filled tags , even got to within 30yrds of them agin later but still way too thick stuff for a clean shot.



Anyway - I will be Using Scent Killer Gold with Hunt Dry technology from now on! guess I'll go for the kit - detergent - body wash/soap - antiperspirant- clothes spray-be great for the hunts that are 2-3 days in the field and especially for hunts longer than that !


Seemed to do as advertised on this hunt !

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You are the stinky thing. Scent is coming out of pores of your body all the time. The desert breeze is fickle. The desert ground is noisy. That is the fun of bow hunting. :)

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Tried scent blockers once a long time ago when a friend of mine had some. Didn't see a difference, still got busted. I spend way too much on hunting as it is, so I don't spend my money on any of that.

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If I am rifle hunting I could care less. I wash my clothes in the same laundry detergent that we use for regular laundry. If I am going on a archery hunt then I will be a little more careful and wash clothes in scent free detergent and use the scent free soap. Otherwise I just pay attention to the wind as best I can.

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All of it is bs they smell u know matter what i buy my camo from walmart these days and wash them like normal still kill and tag out every year. If u dont got the wind right it wont happen. Pigs are dumb that wont happen with a coues deer.

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I wash clothes in baking soda or a scent away soap. Everyone with me sprays with scent away when bugling bulls. Works fine.

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You are the stinky thing. Scent is coming out of pores of your body all the time. The desert breeze is fickle. The desert ground is noisy. That is the fun of bow hunting. :)


I read somewhere that a good portion of the scent you give off comes outta your mouth.. why somebody hasn't come out with a scent killer gum is beyond me

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