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Full moon myth?

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Hey all I want to get some educated input on a full moon and how it affects desert mule deer. I've always heard that when there's a full moon the deer activity during the day is far less than when there's no moon. Also I've heard that rut activity increases around a full moon. What are your experiences? Thanks!

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I can only say this year during the full moon we figured we would not see deer during the day but they were up feeding all day. That was during the rut and both mule deer and coues

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Always seems to me that on a full moon cycle they rut all through the night and are very active in dark hours, but bed soon after the sun rises, and begin activity again early to mid afternoon and on through the night. I feel their activity levels remain the same, just at different hours. I've always glassed deer early morning hours as they bed down for the day. Whether that's backed by science or whatever I'm not sure. Just what I've seemed to experience. I've also heard that a full moon can effect when the does come into estrus, thusly attracting more bucks around a full moon cycle.

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I have given up on messing with the moon phase and all of that. When I can get time to get out and hunt I go for it. I have scheduled Mexico hunting trips around the moon in the past and didn't see much difference. If I had to pick between hunting the moon and the rut I would try to time the hunt with the rut. They will be up and moving no matter where the moon is.

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I don't know about the rut, but during the October hunts during full moon I have seen less deer in the day compared to a quarter moon or no moon.

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Awesome thanks. I wasn't sure if it was all in my head that I don't see as many deer when there's a full moon or if other found it to be true as well.

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Been hunting desert muleys for 50 years and I have just spent the last month chasing them. I see many more deer bedded down at first glassing light with a full moon. I used to sit water alot and always noticed the full moon affected deer activity around water.


IMO a full moon sucks but if that is when you can hunt get after it :). I don't let it affect me.

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