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Looking for input on a scope for a lightweight 7 mm-08 AI

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I did look at the SWFA. I do not feel there is much of a chance I would be interested in a $600 range scope. I currently own a Viper HS-T 4-16 x 44 that matches all my requirements and comes in at 20.8 oz. I consider it to be of unacceptable quality as a scope for the 7mm-08. The scope is on a .223 AR upper. It is the one scope I own that I wish I had not bought. No Vortex bashing here, I am the one who screwed up. I got impatient and bought a cheaper scope rather than waiting, saving more money, and buying a better one. It is not a mistake I intend to repeat.

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I see you are an optics snob....ummm...I mean connoisseur.....welcome to the club! Me too.

I shall do my best to live up the the expectations of my newly appointed title.


Somehow I get the impression you probably count scopes instead of sheep as you drift off to sleep.


I bought the first NSX about 10 years ago. I had a list of about 10 nice scopes I wanted to look at and was running from shop to shop checking them out. The sales guy at one stop had this wonder scope he had to show me. It was just as good and hundreds of dollars less. He handed me the scope. I spun it in my hands for a couple of seconds and handed it back saying "This one won't work". "What? you didn't even look through it!" "I don't need to, I found the made in china sticker." He wasn't amused, I thought it was rather funny.


This time was strange. I tried to make a list but could only come up with one scope to put on it. I even checked some less common manufactures like Hensoldt. I asked friends for ideas and posted this thread. Still, a list of one scope. Sure makes choosing easy. My weight requirement knocked a few off the list but I am downright OCD about the weight of that gun, 6.2 pounds with everything, including rings, sling and ammo minus the scope. It started life as a 700 youth model and has never been touched by a gunsmith, just me. An extra, unnecessary, 8 oz might send me to therapy.


I found the 2.5 - 10 x 42 NSX in stock at Midway and ordered it tonight. I had hoped to get 12X but had to settle for 10X. I got everything else I wanted with out compromise. Not to bad when you only have 1 choice.

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I have a running spreadsheet of scopes with about 20 different columns of criteria, color coded for pros and cons. Always updating it. Always adding new optics to it.


I have my fair share of good glass. I have a few true top tier optics as well. Kahles, S&B, etc. Even my 10/22 has a Zeiss on it! An addiction.

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When I bought the first Nightforce I had narrowed down a list of 10 scopes to it or the S&B. I went with the 5.5 - 22 x 50 NSX and also got a jewel trigger and a few other things. When I bought the second one I was looking for a scope for the 7mm-08. At the time I was also considering, at some point, putting a 8 - 32 x 56 NSX, or another similar high quality scope, on the .300 and moving the current NSX to my .308. As I was shopping I came across a dealer who wanted to get rid of a 8 - 32 x 56 NSX for $400 off. I grabbed it. The .300 got a new scope, the .308 got a hand me down and the 7mm-08 got screwed. I thought it would be interesting to get another brand this time but it simply was not an option. I guess I need to build another rifle so I can buy another scope. I have been considering something about half way between the 7mm-08 and the .300.


I am not sure what sounds crazier. A Zeiss on a 10-22 or a Nightforce on an ultra light rifle.

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That is not just any old 10-22. It looks like it deserves that Zeiss.

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I remember you posting a pic of that rifle you wanted. I didn't know you got it!

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Lance, even your photos are high quality. That is why I am bringing you my Lazzoroni the next time I get to the west side. :)

With his taste in scopes I suspect there is not much chance of selling him a cheap camera. The resolution on the photo is impressive.

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