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I saw a 26-28" 3x3 muley standing by the stop sign at the corner of Ellsworth and Brown about 3 years ago.

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Amanda do you have any explanation to the owls behavior??



Well, I assume it was a family group. Barn owls can have up to about 12 young, although 4-7 is more common. Or possibly two family groups haning around together. Neat sighting.....I haven't ever seen anything like that.....don't suppose you had a camera with you? The other question would be if you are sure they were barn owls and not burrowing owls? Since you said there were trees around, I assume you were in a drainage going through a forest rather than the more open habitat that burrowing owls use. But burrowing owls have large broods and can be particularly abundant in one spot like that.





These owls were too large to have been burrowing owls and their faces were all white. I am certain they were burn owls. I was out by Rio Verde, low dessert with a lot of deep thick washes. Unfortunately I did not have a camera with me to capture the moment. It would have been a cool picture.

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During the 4th of July while scouting we saw a doe mule deer chasing a coyote. Little puffs of dust coming off his feet as he tried his best to stay ahead of her. Now and then she'd catch him and stomp him some. We figured he got too close to the fawn.


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Just got his PM. I AGREE 100%!! NO ONE WILL BEAT THAT!! I do not think I will be able to sleep to night!

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Well i Shure am glad i got a big response out of this topic. haha! Quail season opens friday so theres some more opportunities! And As long as they arent like tysons story put them up. If its a story like tysons......PLEASE DONT TELL ME!

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There were two interesting things that I've seen while out hunting over the years. While archery deer hunting in unit 5b I had a doe bed down about 30 yards in front of me. With nothing better to do I sat in the tall grass and with the doe. After about 20 minutes or so the doe raised her head and looked straight at me. We locked eyes for about 3 seconds. Then she jumped up, wheeled around and came down about 6 yards from where she was lying. Her front feet hit the ground just behind the rear end of a large bob cat that had been sneaking up on her. It was quite a sight. She was stamping her front feet and was just missing the cat with each jump. And with each jump that cat's rear end was tucked under to keep from getting tagged. They zig zagged around for 30 seconds or so until she treed the cat. Then she stood under the tree snortin and stamping the ground as the cat was hugging the trunk of that ponderosa. The cat would shimmy around this way and that, trying to get a clear spot to jump down. And the doe would follow around the tree stamping...Daring the cat to 'just try and get down!!' Finally the cat took a long backwards leap, over the doe, and the two of them ran off down the hill. I sat there amused and amazed at what I had just seen when the doe came back and layed down in the same spot she was bedded down in. The clouds were turning red and I had to go. When I got up and left the doe just watched me walk away. Was she thinking " Oh Crap What Now?"


Another interesting thing happened back in '82 archery deer season. My buddy and I got a late start and were driving in to set up camp in the dark. About 9pm we were driving in the forest NW of Parks. It was a very dark night and Howard was using a spot light out his side window. He said "stop, look at this". He shined the light down through the forest. I said " I can't see anything". He said " now watch through here", and he turned the light off. Just then a red flare shot up into the sky from where the spot light was shining. It looked to be about 300 to 400 yards away. I said whoa thats unusual. Somebody fired off a flare. He said 'No., watch again." He shined the spot light in there again, turned it off, and there was the flare again. He said he saw it three times before he showed me. We a sat there 15 minutes, shining the light over and over. Each time a flare shot up into the air. We turned to truck down that way, hollered, honked the horn. Couldn't hear a response, couldn't see anything. We got kinda spooked and left. On the way out toward town we passed a cabin and decided to stop to borrow the phone to call the sherriff, in case someone was lost and had ten cases of flares to be rescued with. The sherriff's office did not seem interested. I think they thought we were kooks. The lights were similar to marine flares, red ball fire at the head with a waivering tail. They would go up into the sky to just over the tops of the trees, 90-100 feet or so.


A few years later I told my physics professor at ASU about it and asked if he knew what it could be. Again, did not seem interested, looked at me like I was a kook.


Anybody ever seen anything like that?

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back in '97 we were hunting and camped out in unit 32. from where we were, if you looked to the west at night you could see the haze from the tucson lights. one evening I walked just out of camp to relieve myself and was standing there facing west toward tucson when all of a sudden I saw a meteroid or something like it streaking horizontally across the sky leaving a 'dust' trail or something behind it. I hollered at the guys with me to come take a look at it. we stood there for about 5 minutes watching it and wondering what the heck it was. we had no idea.


later that week when we got back to town I was reading the paper and they had an article in there about a rocket that had been fired off in CALIFORNIA that was observed and reported by a bunch of people in AZ. I guess they got so many calls on it they decided to put it in the paper so people would know what the heck it was. it was pretty cool.

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back in '97 we were hunting and camped out in unit 32. from where we were, if you looked to the west at night you could see the haze from the tucson lights. one evening I walked just out of camp to relieve myself and was standing there facing west toward tucson when all of a sudden I saw a meteroid or something like it streaking horizontally across the sky leaving a 'dust' trail or something behind it. I hollered at the guys with me to come take a look at it. we stood there for about 5 minutes watching it and wondering what the heck it was. we had no idea.


later that week when we got back to town I was reading the paper and they had an article in there about a rocket that had been fired off in CALIFORNIA that was observed and reported by a bunch of people in AZ. I guess they got so many calls on it they decided to put it in the paper so people would know what the heck it was. it was pretty cool.


I saw this we were hunting in 34A! We were sitting around talking about the days events and one guy says what is that? About the time we all were looking at it the smoke trail puffed out and made a big smoke ring and a light shot across the ski no longer leaving a smoke trail.Got back home and someone told me it was in the paper.Yes it was very cool!

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back in '97 we were hunting and camped out in unit 32. from where we were, if you looked to the west at night you could see the haze from the tucson lights. one evening I walked just out of camp to relieve myself and was standing there facing west toward tucson when all of a sudden I saw a meteroid or something like it streaking horizontally across the sky leaving a 'dust' trail or something behind it. I hollered at the guys with me to come take a look at it. we stood there for about 5 minutes watching it and wondering what the heck it was. we had no idea.


later that week when we got back to town I was reading the paper and they had an article in there about a rocket that had been fired off in CALIFORNIA that was observed and reported by a bunch of people in AZ. I guess they got so many calls on it they decided to put it in the paper so people would know what the heck it was. it was pretty cool.


I saw this we were hunting in 34A! We were sitting around talking about the days events and one guy says what is that? About the time we all were looking at it the smoke trail puffed out and made a big smoke ring and a light shot across the ski no longer leaving a smoke trail.Got back home and someone told me it was in the paper.Yes it was very cool!


Could be all the missle testing being done. I've seen that a few times.

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I saw a "Dwarf" Mule deer in unit 30 A about 10 years ago. It was a doe and she had a really fat body with super short legs and a big blocky head.

A few years later in the same area, my father in law killed a little 2 point with a lot of the same characteristics. We watched him for a while before he shot him, and he was acting really weird.

He tasted good though. :blink:

ps. I saw that skull that apatkelly found. ..pretty wierd.

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Quail hunting a few years back we followed a group of birds into a Mesquite thicket, well when we got through the thicket it opened up to a big marijuana patch with natural running water and everything to it.

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Quail hunting a few years back we followed a group of birds into a Mesquite thicket, well when we got through the thicket it opened up to a big marijuana patch with natural running water and everything to it.




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