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I have seen the javelina, doe buddy buddy system



the coolest thing that ever happened to me was my dad and i were hoofin it up a mtn one day scouting for deer.. well we got about 3/4 of the way up and had to stop for a breather... we heard what sounded like something running behind us so we turned around to see what it was... a nice 3x3 about 70+ inches was being chased by a coyote!!! the deer ran within about 15 yards of me and turned around. i was like 15 so of course i didnt have a gun with me. both the deer and the coyote looked like they were about to die from all the running!

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I have had a couple of crazy things happen to me with rattlesnakes one I was in my 90 blazer which (had 33 12/50 mudders on it). Well it was raining so i had the windows down and i was coming around a corner going about 60 and i saw this huge rattler in the road well due to certain circumstances i was unable to swerve so i ran over the snake with my driver front tire. Well the dang thing got caught in my tread of my tire and it flung it up by my window and wrapped around my mirror :huh: needless to say my arm and hand were hanging out the window. Luckly it wrapped around the mirror and even more lucky i was able to keep the truck on the road. The snake finially came unwound from my mirror and i went about my way. it was a pretty crazy experience. Ill post the other later have to go

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I wasnt hunting or scoting, but a little over 6 years ago, we were driving through Northern NM at about 2AM. There was a huge Meteor shower going on. We witnessed a Meteor come down vanish behind some Pine trees in the distance and hit the ground. The Meteor lit up the sky and sounded like a really loud sparkler. Then we saw sparks come up over the tops of the trees after it hit. I had some serious tunnel vision going on and thaught it was a dream until my buddy driving infront of me radioed and said "Did you F'ing see that?!!" pretty crazy.

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I saw Lark talking to a Javalina once.

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Let me just say that I've seen something that burned the backs of my eyeballs. If you really, really, want to know, PM me and I'll tell you (if you're over 18, and have a stomach made of iron).






WINNER WINNER chicken dinner.


This wins hands down.



LMFAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Let me just say that I've seen something that burned the backs of my eyeballs. If you really, really, want to know, PM me and I'll tell you (if you're over 18, and have a stomach made of iron).






WINNER WINNER chicken dinner.


This wins hands down.



LMFAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



haha yes, his story is pretty dang funny!

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Saw a white deer once, but not an albino, as it's rump was a little darker in color than the rest of it. Maybe it was an albino & just didn't wipe thoroughly? Who knows.


Also found a porcupine out in coyote springs which isn't remarkable, except that it was about 8 ft. high in a juniper tree. I had no idea those dang things climbed. We thought it was a coon when we first found it.

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Let me just say that I've seen something that burned the backs of my eyeballs. If you really, really, want to know, PM me and I'll tell you (if you're over 18, and have a stomach made of iron).




I think this ones got everyone BEAT!!!!!!

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matty - I think there's more porcupines than anything else where I come from.. they are excellent climbers and can often be found up in birch trees and other hardwoods, having a snack.


One day out in the woods (in New Brunswick) I was checking my trapline and heard this gawd-awful crying and squalling coming from about 200 yards away. It was like nothing I'd ever heard - not bobcat, not human, not lynx, not dying rabbit.. just awful screams/cries/moans


So, I crept over to where the noise was - lo and behold, 2 porcupines were - ummm - procreating

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BEAT lol!! ya it really POUNDED the competition!!!! I think I would have thrown rocks or something :lol:


I second that. Neo definetely wins.

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