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Whats the Weirdest?

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Whats the weirdest thing or animal you have come upon while hunting or out scouting? I thought about this while reading the form and hearing someone metion the white turkeys in 23. To this day that is one of the strangest thing ive seen, but im still young. Anyone see albino deer of something to that nature. Post pics if you got em'. Just thought it would be interesting to go off on a tangent and hear some stories.


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Be carefull, He has had time to look for Ammo :huh:


I hunted an Albino Whitetail Buck for three years before I moved from PA.

I wanted that buck in the worst way but he lived on a reserve and only jumped the fence once in awhile. I love Albinos for some reason.


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Recently, Lance and I watched a coyote and a bear run off together. We noticed the coyote first, close to a gut pile. He wanted to leave but just wouldn't take off. Finally, out from the gut pile came a pretty good size bear and they trotted off, literally side-by-side, together. It was cool.........and wierd, I guess. The best of friends, probably.

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i found a human skull while quail hunting last january with my brother and a friend.





:blink: :blink:


Did you happen to be down south?

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A good friend came back to elk camp at Hannagans Meadow in unit 27 in 1989 stating that he had been followed by a ferret for several hundred yards through the woods. We teased him about the "squirrel" That had chased him for the next few days but he would not back down on what he had seen. The last day an old man stopped by camp to visit and he said " Ive lived in these mountains my whole life and I saw something today that I have never before seen, an Ermine." I knew what an ermine was and immediatley knew what our buddy had seen. They are a small weasel. Never heard of one being seen since.

In memory of Delbert Dean Hall, September 18th 1962 - September 28th 2007.

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Let me just say that I've seen something that burned the backs of my eyeballs. If you really, really, want to know, PM me and I'll tell you (if you're over 18, and have a stomach made of iron).




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Did you happen to be down south?
yeah, i was down by nogales hunting just off of the road going to Pena Blanca. he was an illegal who had died while crossing thru. we found most all of his bones and clothing along with his wallet after the sheriff arrived.

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maybe not the weirdest thing but I think one of the funniest things I have come across.........this past early archery season I watched a hunter walking threw the woods blowing buck grunts...he had the call in his mouth as he was slowly moving through the forest....I could not beleive it ha!...needless to say but I dont think he saw any deer

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I watched an illegal cross the border last January and there was snow in the forecast (but that never happend) and he was dressed in all white. Not really weird but really funny since I could see him from about a mile with the naked eye.

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A few years a go I watched a doe Coues and a Javelina that were buddies, the doe would walk up the trail and turn and look at the Javelina and wait for it to catch up to her.


One of the coolest things I've seen was about 20 years ago, I watched a badger tree a rattlesnake. The snake was buzz'n like crazy up in a small mesquite tree and the badger was circling it trying to get it down. Eventually the badger seen me and waddled off.


Last year we watched a Coues doe run off a large Bobcat, she had a fawn with her..........my buddy missed the Bobcat.


I was quail hunting several years ago and got into a covey, I dropped one out in an open area and turned to shoot at more that had busted out to my side when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, it was a Horned Owl that had seen my quail flopping on the ground and decided to swoop down and snatch it up. When the Owl landed to grab the quail he looked straight at me as if to say "thanks".

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A few weeks ago while out driving to scout for elk a saw a Turkey with a snake in it mouth.

Though it was strange but why not?

Big bird, Big worm!


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Let me just say that I've seen something that burned the backs of my eyeballs. If you really, really, want to know, PM me and I'll tell you (if you're over 18, and have a stomach made of iron).





This one defenitly takes the cake so far!

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