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Found destroyed camp

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I want to thank everyone for all the suggestions. I contacted the Gila County Sheriff's Office and they have contacted the owner. The owner phoned me yesterday and we have set up a time for the returning of their equipment. I wished I had taken pictures of the shape their camp was in. The cattle would have destroyed their entire camp if I hadn't picked it up. I had left a note attached to their archery target that the cattle had mostly destroyed. The owner said by the time they got back to their camp site, a week later, there wasn't much left of their target so I assume they ate the note. At first I left the tent, which was buried in the mud with cow poop and piss all over it, but when I came back the next day the cattle were standing and bedded on it. A 17ft canvas tent soak and wet with mud and cow matter weighs a ton. It was a toss up whether I was to leave it or not. I don't have any regrets of my decision. :)




I hope that if I'm ever in a similar situation and have to bail on a camp, its someone like you who comes along, and not a different personality. I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes!

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Anyone who has ever met TJ knows his intentions and actions are always the best. The owner of the camp is very fortunate TJ stumbled across it. The minute he pulled it out of the mud/crap it was as safe as if in the owners own shed.

Class move as always Tom!

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