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The "Ocho Grande" Bull

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Alright guys and gals.......I put a little pressure on myself when I posted on the "Wrongway" thread stating that I would show you pic's of Ocho with my hands on em'.........well, we followed through and made it happen!


"Ocho Grande" is a bull that I found several days before the archery hunts started. We had several incredible bulls already picked out and named and had been following for some time, but Ocho was a new guy. We can only guess where he came from, but it didn't matter, he was there, and we were very lucky to find him every day. We hunted him on the first day of the archery hunt, but lightly pushed him, so we gave him a break to settle down and went after Wrongway and you guys know what happened there ;) A good friend of ours "David" was fortunate enough to draw the early rifle tag in this same unit, and after seeing the video of Ocho, he decided that was the bull for him! We finished our archery hunt and began the arduous task of patterning a bull that seemed to not care about the rut! He was by himself most of the time, and he rubbed very little and bugled even less. We lost Ocho for a little while and couldn't find him in his typical haunts. David would take his wife out with him on his days off from work to look for Ocho and amazingly he found Ocho again and got some amazing video of him! Ocho had moved about a mile from where he originally was and was now in an even more secluded spot. We were hopefull that Ocho would stay there, but to be safe we watched over other areas to catch him if he moved again. David and his wife went back to relocate Ocho on Thursday night and she spotted him moving out of the treeline. They got some incredible footage of him feeding by himself in the sage and sunset and it was fitting that she found him and got to see him that night because she would be missing opening day due to work. Still covering the bases, I, along with David's friend Brad went to cover Ocho's orginal hideout on Friday morning. We would be in an adjacent canyon from where we expected Ocho to be, and my brother Matt and David would be right in where Ocho should be at daybreak. David's dad Dan and his friend Wendell would stay back up high and hopefully get to watch the hunt take place. Everything was set and as daylight broke, Brad and I had no elk where we were, so we sat waiting for gunshots. Matt and David had elk filtering up to them and unbelievably a 390"plus 6x6 bull stepped out screaming his head off! Matt videoed this bull and amazingly watched as David NEVER raised his rifle! Matt kept telling David he's nutts for passing that bull and asking what the heck he was thinking..........and David just said he wants Ocho! I saw the video later and I told him he was nuts also!!! But you gotta give it to him, he said it more than a week prior that he wanted Ocho and to his credit, a monster typical wasn't going to stand in his way! It wasn't but a few minutes later, while Matt was still givin' David grief for the pass, that Ocho stepped out presenting a shot at around 200 yrds! Matt flipped the camera back on as David put a fatal 180gr bullet right through Ocho! A couple shots followed in order to anchor him to the ground, but it was all over with the first shot! Brad and I heard the shots and were already running full tilt their direction and Wendell and David's father were right in on the action as it happened! Once back at camp we ran a tape on all them tines and came up with a rough score of 417"!!! David (and his wife :P ) did an amazing job staying with this bull as he moved around for close to 2 weeks and saw it through to the end, even when tempted with a different bull of a lifetime! I know what I would have done :P there's just somethin' about big typicals.... ;)


We've had an incredible year so far, and it really shows what scouting and hardwork will do for ya! We were fortunate this year to get some great guys with tags to trust us and allow us to help them on their hunts, and it gave us a chance to prove what we can do! We don't have a big team of guys, and we rarely make any money, but we are proud of who we are and what we do and more importantly the way we do it. As it's been said before.....we do it the right way and we were blessed this year to have it all work out like we hoped ;) I do want to thank our good buddy David for letting us share in his once in a lifetime hunt for a once in a lifetime bull!!! Way to go dude......Great job.........oh, and by the way.....you ARE nuts for passing on that typical :lol: :P Thanks, JIM>


I'll get better video pic's once I get the tapes back, but here's some from when I first found Ocho......









And here's the beast himself.......the bulls not bad either :lol: :P ........








This is my favorite pic of David and his pops............






And here's our team that day.........note: I made the other 49 guys that were part of our team stay behind the camera :lol: :P




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Wow, that's one of the best bulls I've ever seen. You guys worked hard and it payed off! There's no way I could have passed on a 390+ bull either!

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What else can anyone say but WOW!! That is just an awesome bull, can't wait for the net score. Congrats on a great trophy.




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Seems to be a lot of nice bulls this year with extras between the bez and tres points. Those of you who have glassed a lot of bulls this season, has this been more common?

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Congratulations David, you did good man and deserved it. Ocho is awesome. I talked to Matt this evening and he again mentioned that he couldn't believe that you would pass up the other bull but was proud of you and happy for you that you did. I also wanted to tell you that I appreciated you and your Dad keeping an eye out for Matt while he works on that other project he has going. I do think he will probably come home on Monday. Big congrats again and thanks.



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Congrats you guys! Thats awesome!

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Great job- Team Mullins- that is just 1 brute of an ELK! Way to go to the hunter for first making the shot and holding out for what is a trophy of a lifetime!




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