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Was able to take this buck Friday morning. It was foggy and raining all morning but was able to find this guy with a couple does. One shot with the trusty .243 at 250 yards and it was done. The bullet entered just behind the left shoulder and stopped just under the right jaw bone. I hunted almost every day for the past 2 weeks, so I'm looking forward to this Christmas weekend. Merry Christmas and good luck to all the guys still out there.post-8826-0-83075300-1482636180_thumb.jpgpost-8826-0-36858200-1482636301_thumb.jpgpost-8826-0-14864400-1482636449_thumb.jpgpost-8826-0-72571900-1482636528_thumb.jpg

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Awesome buck cody, way to stick with it and get it done. Congrats and enjoy the week off before archery deer!

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Nice! I like those high and tight bucks.

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Nice! I like those high and tight bucks.

Yea I like it too. I was looking for a wide buck but when I saw him I couldn't pass him. He has really good length and mass.

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