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Hiking with a gun report

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I will start by saying thanks to everyone on here that has directly and indirectly help teach me how to be a more skilled hunter. It didn't help this season, but I know I am getting better.


I had a late cow elk hunt again this year and was very surprised to get another hunt after being drawn last year too. I didn't get to scout as much as I would have like which I am sure contributed to the outcome. I hunted pretty hard for what I am capable of this year and don't have any real regrets. This season was much more difficult than last year and I attribute that to the weather and less precipitation compared to last.


During the whole hunt my 3 friends and I seemed to be just 1 step behind. We only had 1 real opportunity and my best hunting buddy got a little anxious and messed up the range. He was on a hillside and had 2 cows come into view. He ranged them at 275yrds and setup. I was on the opposite side if the hill and heard shots ring out. I worked my way to him and he had taken 3 shots and missed them all. I setup and he gets me in the area of where they disappeared in some trees. One pops out and I hit the trees near them at 381 yards. My buddy looked confused and I didn't know why. The elk never cleared the trees for me to get a shot before dark, and the only elk I saw personally in 7 days were gone.


In the truck on the way back to camp my buddy tells me he thinks he missed the range on the elk. The next day we got back on the hill before dawn hoping to catch them again. No luck. My buddy hiked down to where he shot at the elk and had me range him. 403 yards. He ranged the elk through a gap in the trees and I think he caught a tree instead of the elk.


It was a good hunt otherwise and we learned alot more about our hunt unit that will hopefully help translate to success down the road. I took this picture the last morning and was shocked how well it came out. It was the only good shot I got the whole week.


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A few more pics including the first porcupine I have ever seen in AZ. I was a big fat old dude. He is running away and you can see his butt in the 2nd picture.




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What unit were you in? Looks like you had fun and put in the effort. Positivity and luck are right up there with effort. Keep working at it and practicing with the rifle. You'll get there.

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We were in 7e on a cow elk hunt. We hunted from peaks to the northern border of the unit. It was a great experience, but frustrating at times as well.

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Ok I think I remember from another earlier thread that it was 7E. My friends son and buddy hunted that same hunt as you. They finally got it done on the 5th day. Elk can hide pretty good when they want to.

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That unit is tough. There are a lot more places to hide than you would think and surprisingly low densities of elk compared to other parts of AZ.


Hunting there is the closest in AZ I have come to something comparable to my old ID hunting grounds.


But it sure is beautiful.

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There is undoubtedly skill and knowledge that leads to tagging an animal, but more than that it's a game of time and persistence. Keep after it, don't get discouraged and it will come together for you.

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I love the title. That is what I call every hunt that I go on and don't kill anything. Some of them cow hunts are the hardest hunts in the state.

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There's always next year bud!

I'm going to be much better prepared for the next one.

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There's always next year bud!


I'm going to be much better prepared for the next one.

Myself as well. I will be in better shape, and be better prepared for the wind. I upgraded alot of gear this year, but nicer gear still don't catch deer apparently...


I will have more hours scouting too.

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