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The 'Too Quick To Tell' Bull

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Well, he's not huge, but bigger than last year's bull!! I'm very happy with my 6x6 i harvested Friday afternoon. Colton spotted him earlier that day from the top of the Rim and, after taking a little walk down the wrong road, we took a long hike up the right road to the base of the Rim. Colton got us right where we needed to be. There were 6 bulls within 400 yards of us but we werent in the position to see all of them. They bugled on and off the half hour we glassed trying to find them, we knew they were right there, we just couldn't see them!! Colton bugled a few times and my bull always answered back. After hearing the bull getting closer, Gino cow called and brought him about 30 yards from us. The trees made it hard to see him, but the wind wasn't on our side that time and he high tailed it to the ridge in front of us. By this time, my heart was going pretty good! Man, I was excited!!! Once we spotted him on that hill side i put my crosshairs on him. Before anyone got their binos on him, i had already counted 6 and dropped him. I was too excited to even think twice about it! At 320 yards my bullet didnt go exactly where i wanted it to, but it sure hit him good. He didnt go anywhere! Everyone said i was too quick for them to tell how good he was, but i couldn't have cared less, i was too excited! By the time colton made his way down the Rim side and my dad, gino, troy, and i were done retelling the funny story to each other it was time to work! We got quite a bit of meat from him, but that didn't feel too good on everyones back on the 3/4 mile pack out to the quads. ;) Thanks Guys!! But we were still in for a LONG quad ride out of there with way too much weight on only 2 quads!! haha. But we made it and i'm very happy with my bull!! Well, i had an amazing hunt this year thanks to all the guys! Definately couldn't have done it w/out you!!! Thanks again Dad, Gino, Troy, & Colton!

Linnea :rolleyes:







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A wonderful bull and it sounds like some great memories were made. Love that first pic.

It just doesn't get any better than that. Congratulations



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Congratulation Linnea. Wow, that's a real nice bull! I wish I could have been on your hunt with you like so many others I've been on. You have made quite a name for yourself with all those animals you have harvested at such a young age. Keep up the good work. Sounds like you had some really good help with this one. Now maybe you can help Dad with his Dec. bull hunt. He only wishes he could shoot as good as you. :D Good job Dad. Now go tie one up for yourself. ;)



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WHOOOHOOOO! I talked with Gino yesterday and he gave me the play by play! I was excited for you just listening how it all happened! Great shot, and fantastic bull! It doesn't get any better when you get to share it all with family and friends! Great job to all and congrats! JIM>

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Thanks for all the replies!! Definately made some great memories this hunt! Wish you could have been there too Tom! I might have to show my dad a few things about shooting! ;) ha! I had a lucky shot though, that's for sure! Well, he scored 309 and some change, not what i was hoping for but you just can't beat the excitement! I'm really happy with him, can't wait to get him on the wall to show up dad's bull!! :) Thanks again, everyone!


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