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South Texas Whitetail

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I know this isn't a Coues but as I didn't get the opportunity to hunt Arizona Coues I made a trip to my wife's niece's ranch in South Texas in order to get my whitetail fix for the year. I've hunted the ranch for 28 years and have seen a lot of big whitetails, but nothing like the one i ended up taking. Pretty stoked about this buck to say the least.


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Congrats on a great buck. Hunted a ranch in Mexico a few years ago that had a bunch of bucks with racks like that. They went straight up like a V.

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I still want to head down there and shoot one. Why??? Because you can

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What impressed me the most is that this buck took a 210gr Nosler ABLR out of my Remington 700 Sendero 300 RUM from 206 yards and still ran about 30 yards. He was walking almost straight away from me and the bullet entered left side just forward of his last rib, traveled through lung, exploded his heart, just forward of his right shoulder and lodged just under the skin forward of the right shoulder. In the picture you'll notice a dark spot on his right shoulder, thats actually the lump of the slug.

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What impressed me the most is that this buck took a 210gr Nosler ABLR out of my Remington 700 Sendero 300 RUM from 206 yards and still ran about 30 yards. He was walking almost straight away from me and the bullet entered left side just forward of his last rib, traveled through lung, exploded his heart, just forward of his right shoulder and lodged just under the skin forward of the right shoulder. In the picture you'll notice a dark spot on his right shoulder, thats actually the lump of the slug.

That's cool!!! nice buck...

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