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What's in your Hunting Daypack?

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Here is my master list:


Hunting Daypack Checklist



__ knife

__ caping knife

__ sierra saw

__ sharpening stone

__ latex gloves

__ nylon cord

__ trash compactor bags



__ binos

__ bino harness

__ tripod

__ tripod adapter

__ lens cloth packets

__ lens brush

__ digital camera

__ extra camera battery

__ range finder

__ black head cloth/drape



__ aspirin

__ vicoden

__ decongestant

__ Benedryl


__ Kaopectate tablets

__ scissors

__ tweezers

__ comb

__ band-aids

__ wrap

__ needle and thread

__ gauze

__ tape

__ super glue

__ mirror

__ molefoam/moleskin

__ + 2.5 reading glasses



__ space blanket

__ matches

__ Bic lighter

__ fuel tabs




__ cell phone

__ topo map

__ GPS

__ compass

__ headlamp

__ Luxeon flashlight

__ foam seat

__ extra lashing straps

__ FRS radios

__ hiking staff

__ TP

__ Wet Ones

__ chapstick

__ extra batteries

__ license and tag



__ rain jacket

__ rain pants

__ extra socks



__ rifle

__ sling

__ shooting sticks

__ ammo pouch

__ Al rod, jag w/ patches

__ electrical tape



__ bow

__ release

__ Allen wrench set

__ Balcon sling

__ Bear feet



__ water

__ Cytomax/Gatorade

__ lunch

__ snacks

__ gum

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Dang Doug... I think you forgot a toilet and sink.

I assume these are the main items as a reminder, and that you don't carry them all... Right? :blink:




Binos, tripod,

Snacks - Jerky, peanuts, trailmix granola bars pr similar for a day long trip

Hard Candy - Jolly Rancher or....

Water, maybe a can of coke




small LED flashlight


Tag , License

Gun and ammo

FRS if legal


That is my basic pack depending on the game and weather.

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Dang Doug... I think you forgot a toilet and sink.

I assume these are the main items as a reminder, and that you don't carry them all... Right? :blink:


I usually am hunting alone, so will be prepared to spend the night out or ready for some minor injury. I have had the barrel plugged with mud when the rifle slipped of the shoulder, hence the aluminum rod. The raingear is weather dependent. Have had a sharp seed in the eye, hence the mirror. the 2.5 readers are since I cannot see close well; wish i had that 20/15 vision of my youth again. Trash compactor bag is great for putting deer quarters in and keep your gear blood free. Usually do not have the small sharpening stone except on an elk hunt. The electrical tape is good for keeping raim, snow, twigs, etc out of the barrel. Wish I had it taped when it went muzzle first in to the mud on an elk hunt as I lost half a day going back to camp to get to the cleaning kit and recheck the zero. Latex gloves for skinning; good friend got a nasty infection from skinning/gutting a bear once with a small cut on his hand.


Must be the Boy Scout in me still: Be Prepared.

I do not want to be the hunter you read about who left camp with just a Snickers bar and a knife, and got lost.



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Dang Doug... I think you forgot a toilet and sink.

I assume these are the main items as a reminder, and that you don't carry them all... Right? :blink:


I usually am hunting alone, so will be prepared to spend the night out or ready for some minor injury. I have had the barrel plugged with mud when the rifle slipped of the shoulder, hence the aluminum rod. The raingear is weather dependent. Have had a sharp seed in the eye, hence the mirror. the 2.5 readers are since I cannot see close well; wish i had that 20/15 vision of my youth again. Trash compactor bag is great for putting deer quarters in and keep your gear blood free. Usually do not have the small sharpening stone except on an elk hunt. The electrical tape is good for keeping raim, snow, twigs, etc out of the barrel. Wish I had it taped when it went muzzle first in to the mud on an elk hunt as I lost half a day going back to camp to get to the cleaning kit and recheck the zero. Latex gloves for skinning; good friend got a nasty infection from skinning/gutting a bear once with a small cut on his hand.


Must be the Boy Scout in me still: Be Prepared.

I do not want to be the hunter you read about who left camp with just a Snickers bar and a knife, and got lost.Doug~RR



Thats how I grew up hunting :D then dad and I found out how to hunt.

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Doug, I must say that is the most thourough list I have ever seen....almost obsessive compulsive.... :blink: :P


I am sure I dont carry all of those things, but one other thing I always carry.....a large bottle of Sabre Red pepper spray. Simply because there are too many things out there, including people, I might want to keep away from me.




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This from the Gear chapter of "How To Hunt Coues Deer."



It’s no doubt possible to fill this entire page with a list of goodies that will make your hunt just a tab easier, more comfortable or perhaps even more successful. On the other hand, each one of us probably has such a list already. At least I do. Here’s why.

Years ago, I kept a sheet of paper on my desk, and every time I thought of something to take on a hunt, I wrote it down. After several months, the paper was full. So I sat at the computer and broke it down into various groupings such as camping gear, clothing, etc. etc. I even had a section for the stuff I carry in my backpack. Then I printed out a dozen copies and use one every time I go on a hunt as a reminder. Below are some of the items that normally go into my backpack.


Rubber gloves

Lip balm

Duct tape

Extra knife

Extra ammo

Seat cushion

Space blanket

Compass or GPS

Light rain jacket

Knife sharpener

Nylon Cord (20’)

Flashlight w/extra batteries

Wad of tar paper (fire starter)

Orange, trail-marking ribbon

Lens cleaning fluid and paper

Matches AND butane lighter

Topo map of my area

Camera w/extra film

Large, self-sealing plastic bags

High-energy snack bars

Small folding saw

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