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What's a decent head for Slik Sprint Pro

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These typically come with a ball head. Has anyone found a good pan/tilt head to use on this tripod? Not looking for a super expensive head - nor the $40 plastic ones. I was looking at the Manfrotto 128RC but I'm not 100% sure it's compatible.



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I use the 700rc2 also with the slik. I like it and seems to match up well with the light weight tripod. I have noticed the same play that Red Rabbit mentions but overall it's a great head for the $

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In response to azranger and red rabbit. There's an Allen screw if you pop off that small cap put some loc tite on it and snug it down and it'll get rid of that play. I have the 700rc2 and it's a good head.

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I got the same tripod. After wasting money, I finally purchased the Outdoorsman's head. Total weight comes in at just over 2.5 pounds. Makes for a great setup.


Save up and get the Outdoorsman's.




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Great info - as always the CWT members are a wealth of knowledge. Looking into all these heads now.


Thanks for the replies.

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In response to azranger and red rabbit. There's an Allen screw if you pop off that small cap put some loc tite on it and snug it down and it'll get rid of that play. I have the 700rc2 and it's a good head.

Thank you for the tip.

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I left the ball head on my slik and attached a outdoorsmans pan head then the pistol grip. With the ball head left on i can fold my tripod up better to pack it.





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I've got both the outdoorsmans pan head and pistol grip. The pan head is a thousand times smoother but the pistol grip is easier for me to use. Remember with a pan head you have to have your tripod set up level to the ground, with the pistol grip you can have the tripod crooked and use the pistol grip to square you up if you are on a hillside. I hate dickin around with a tripod trying to get level when you are on a hillside. I run the pistol grip with panning attachment so it's best of both worlds I think.

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