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G&F voted: three calls are a thing of the past.

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Was watching yesterdays meeting on the G&F webcam and I noticed G&F presented the recommendation that they would no longer make three attempts to notify someone if there card was rejected. They said there system is virtually error free now and this service could now be eliminated. They did say they would post on portal and email people to make sure credit cards are updated just before they actually start charging cards. This was recommended and all the commissioners voted in support.


Now hopefully the results will be posted a little sooner after the cards have been charged. We currently wait weeks after cards hit so they could call all those applicants with card issues.


How much you want to bet the results are out no sooner?


Good Luck in the draws & Happy Hunting

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I hope it makes a difference. But the antelope/elk draw is a unique beast that seems to always have something go awry. Hope their "virtually error free" comment doesn't haunt them. :)


We shall see!

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What they are really saying is that we no longer want to call for rejected cards, so if your card is rejected you will lose the tag automatically. My wife got a call-back tag a few years ago around the Target ccard fiasco time. It was a nice service while it lasted.

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I like it, but it will suck if your card gets stolen and you have to cancel your card!

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  On 12/4/2016 at 4:51 PM, Big Browns said:

I like it, but it will suck if your card gets stolen and you have to cancel your card!

That would have to happen like within a one or two day period for it to hurt you. Generally they allow you to update your card info up until Thursday and then start charging Friday. So the only way you could get rejected is if you didn't update your card in time.
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And it should atleast cut off a couple days for the results and save them a lot of headache of calling a couple thousand people and sorting through all kinds of cards and all that. Also will probably be a benefit to them because everyone will want to buy their point guard just in case their card gets screwed up. Generally when azgfd makes a decision it's fairly easy to follow it down and see where it makes them some money.

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  On 12/4/2016 at 4:58 PM, bonecollector777 said:

And it should atleast cut off a couple days for the results and save them a lot of headache of calling a couple thousand people and sorting through all kinds of cards and all that. Also will probably be a benefit to them because everyone will want to buy their point guard just in case their card gets screwed up. Generally when azgfd makes a decision it's fairly easy to follow it down and see where it makes them some money.

Point Guard doesn't protect card rejection. It's only for tag surrender.

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  On 12/4/2016 at 5:45 PM, ctafoya said:

No worries here. I always do em on paper.

how long till fish and game votes against paper applications?

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It would be nice if they allowed an alternative card to be used in case something did happen....

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  On 12/4/2016 at 4:22 PM, OpticNerd said:

I might have to start using money orders just incase.

I do paper app and money order every year for this very reason.

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