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Doing a little Net surfing because it is raining like He!! here :angry:

Did a Googllie search for Mullins and came up with this :huh:

I am pretty sure that is Jims Great Gradpopps third from the right.

I know for sure it is a Mullins camp because of the no showers for nine days :wacko:

Well anyway thought you might like a bit of history while we are WAITING for younghunter to post his story and PICTURES :P

Mike :D



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That's funny stuff right there! :lol: ;) 9 days is stretchin' the truth a bit though becuase....We don't take showers at all......The trick is you gotta acquire that natural smell to be at one with nature, and that's the secret to success in the woods! :blink:

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Thanks for the picture, I think that is Grandpa Emmet that you are referring to. That was a few years before he decided to become Grandma Emma though. It sure got confusing at first on how to address him or her or whatever. Good pic though, thanks



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Thanks for the picture, I think that is Grandpa Emmet that you are referring to. That was a few years before he decided to become Grandma Emma though. It sure got confusing at first on how to address him or her or whatever. Good pic though, thanks





LOL :lol: :lol:

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