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Wife gets it done again.

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My wife has drawn this tag 4 out of 6 years....crazy lucky. I wish I had her luck getting tags. Out of the 4 tags, this is the 3rd bull she has gotten. She always wants to shoot one bigger than the last one but that is becoming increasingly difficult. We were pinched for time because she is in school right now and Monday morning was the last day we could hunt due to scheduling constraints. We saw bulls every day but couldn't quite get the opportunity we needed. On the 3rd day(Sunday), we hadn't seen anything and went for a good hike. It was starting to get warm and we were almost back at the quad. I wanted to go check another hillside for bedded elk, but she had different ideas. She wanted to go walk the ridge back to the quad where we had been seeing elk bedding the prior 2 days. As it was her tag(and she is my wife...you know how it goes), I relented and went with her idea. As we walked a logging road to get the wind in our favor, we didn't get 50 yards and I saw and elk between a couple of trees. Looked through the binoculars, saw it was a bull and got her sticks set up. He was facing at her at probably around 100 yards. She drilled him right through the heart and he didn't go 50 yards. It's the smallest of her 3 bulls but we got the job done. Filled the freezer again. He is a little 6x7. Main frame 6 with a little devil point.



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Oops. Guess I had the same problem a lot of other people have. Got a rotated pic. I would have really liked to have seen what this bull looked like in a few more years. He had nice 3rds for his size. But really short main beams.

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