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BTW, this is not a Trump thing, so much as showing the disparity between beliefs held in congested areas and those outside.

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Laughed my azz off at that one. All the idiots like that dont even realize they're only hurting their own cause and thats why Trump won. Same with all the dumb azzes rioting and protesting.

They said emergency responders had to put out 40 fires in oakland alone the other night.

what kind of a rocket scientist thinks the right way to protest a guy in Manhattan is to burn down their own city on the other side of the country???

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One thing for sure, the libs have shown their true colors. I wasn't happy either time Obama got elected - neither were a lot of people - but we accepted that as the will of the American public. These whiny cry-babies are burning their own neighborhoods, smashing cars, blocking intersections and just going freaking nuts over *what might happen*. Jeeze, we knew exactly what would happen and didn't freak out.


It's hard to comprehend how fragile these little snowflakes are. It's time they got a reality lesson and now maybe they can grow up and save their tantrums for what actually transpires. The sole reason Trump got elected was because these freaking ultra-left socialists were so used to getting their way that enough people said enough is enough.


One more take-away from this election that the folks on the left really need to get their heads around is this: Many people who voted for Obama both times came to the polls and voted against Hillary. Many of the the blue strongholds turned red. That's a major indication that they bought into the progressive fantasy and realized they got screwed and lied to. With Hillary under investigation for callous handling of classified information, the unbearable handling of Benghazi which should put her in prison for life, her getting caught in lie after lie, then covering up with more lies - I think the majority of Americans just realized they had two choices. One, a total wild card who will either prove to be a total moron or a good/great leader, and the other who they knew would play underhanded politics, lie (like her husband) and continue the failed policies of the Obama administration.


Choosing between the devil you know and the one you don't know went in Trump's favor this time. The whining cry-babies need to get over it.

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Isn't the left supposed to be tolerant, not biased, and open minded?

Absolutely. And just to prove how tolerant, peaceful and loving they are, theyre out protesting/rioting for the third night in a row.


I for one am in awe of their moral superiority. ...

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