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Wife's First Buck! 12AW Kaibab

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Wow what a first buck! Huge congratulations! I got a kick about the time mix up, been there.

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Nice buck! So is that unit small with a large amount of hunters or does everyone congregate in the same area(s)? I never understood how some people love to just pack right in next to someone when there(maybe not in this case) so much area to go somewhere else. Of course maybe that's cause theres lots of deer there too ;)

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12AW is not a small area, but there are lot of hunters in there. Also, certain areas hold more deer than others, and a lot of those spots are common knowledge.


Unfortunately, common knowledge, common sense and common courtesy don't seem to go hand in hand any longer.

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Congratulations on the beautiful buck.


There are plenty of places to up there but the early hunt has some pretty popular areas. I did not draw this year but I'm headed up Saturday morning for a few days just to learn it better and checkout some new areas. I have learned that it is not always the snow that pushes them down. When everything freezes on top and they can't break the ice then they move down. If I can help someone hunting, I will do that too.

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