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Election time is upon us

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Nbc just gave clinton the entire left coast, shoving her ahead by about 30 electoral votes.



Well chit...

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Didn't see it being this close. I'm happy to see that more people have begun to pull their heads outta their butts.

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He'd better. I really dont want to become a canadian.

American job searches in Canada have risen significantly.

Number of expats turning in their passports has risen during every year of Obama's second term.

obama care and capital gains taxes have me real worried. A continuation of obamas b.s. could be catastrophic for my business plans, Its something we're seriously losing sleep over. Im not sure what duties cost to ship goods back i to the u.s., but it may be more than offset with socialized healthcare and an overall lower cost of living.


News is reporting a 116% increase in premiums for 2017. Ouch!

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Hillary had more money than any candidate in history by a wide margin, cheated at the debates, colluded with media networks and on paper was highly experienced (first lady, senator, secretary of state) and barely beat an old crusty socislist and not doing good against a so called racist and sexist


The world hates you Hillary

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None of the libtard channels have declared Florida for Trump.

Go figure!


im watching some messed up anti trump youtube live vid and its like seeing a car crash i cant look away



Didn't see it being this close. I'm happy to see that more people have begun to pull their heads outta their butts.


how about the fact that a criminal like hillary is even making a run at it. i mean really what are we even doing here

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Belize and Costa Rica welcome ex pats with great incentives and low cost of living.

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It's not over yet.....lets stay grounded.


One state can take the air right out from us!

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Hillary had more money than any candidate in history by a wide margin, cheated at the debates, colluded with media networks and on paper was highly experienced (first lady, senator, secretary of state) and barely beat an old crusty socislist and not doing good against a so called racist and sexist

The world hates you Hillary

Hopefully enough voters are tired of being lubed up with KY jelly, and bent over by the establishment Cartel.

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It's not over yet.....lets stay grounded.

One state can take the air right out from us!

I'm trying to not get too excited. I don't need a negative blast to my plugged up arteries.

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