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Guest oneshot

Inner Fire Re-Lit

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Guest oneshot

The recent 36b Rifle Mulie hunt has given me a deep satisfaction, brought back memories, made new ones, and re-fired me for MORE.

I wasnt a shooter, but it was one of the better hunts i have been a part of. The friends in camp, the working for a common goal, everyone picthing in around camp, etc...

The shooters were Mule Deer hunting, meaning if it was a Mule deer, had antler, regardless of size, they were going to try to shoot it. None of this 'oh gee, the G2's are kinda short" BS, just DEER hunting, putting meat in the box...


Beers and convo around the fire at night...

The daily "Freedom Shows" by the jets out of DM were a plus...

Border patrol ripping through the desert defending America, the smiles (and later comments hahaha) from BP agents when I said "Get Some" to the agents having a road-side chat with the Bleeding hearts at the CP on Arivaca rd...


I'll be putting in for Rifle tag next year for sure...





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Guest oneshot

I was a slacker on the photos, was having such a great time, I didn't even get pics all the bucks...hahaha...

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I totally get it. I get to help out on a late bull hunt for one of the best people I know and am chomping at the bit. It is awesome having people in camp that will quite literally argue with you over who gets to do the chores. I'm almost as excited as I would be if I had the tag.

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As I was helping my daughter on her first buck tag this year, I had the same rekindling. Its part of what motivated me to upgrade her scope and then sell my Zeiss for a different option on my '06. I may have to hang my bow up for a season and get back behind a rifle. Congrats on a great hunt and finding it again!

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