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Governor Tag

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Word is whoever had the coues governor tag, killed already..something around 116.???? Anybody else hear anything about this. I also heard it was in 34A? :(

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napalitano shot a deer? ok, i'm jokin'. i didn't realize there was a coues auction permit tho. what'd it go for? 116 is a nice buck for sure. Lark.

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I heard it went for $14,000.00.

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There actually is two coues permits if I am not mistaken. One went for around 13000.00 at the Phoenix ADA auction and I think the other went for around 8000.00 down in Tucson. I bet Amanda can confirm the actual amounts. As for the 116 I have not heard the rumors yet but I would guess the Gov. tag buck should be a tag bigger than that.....(not that I wouldnt plug one that big) it just seems that with all the guys calling around with big ones located, the tag holder would have the pick of the litter of monster bucks over 129.....just my three cents............AT.........

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There are probably a few more governor tags than you think. I'm sure a bunch of people don't know there is a pig, buffalo gov tags. I wouldn't be surprised if there were others too. Maybe even a turkey tag.


I think the coues and buffalo tags are probably the best value out of the governor tags.





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I am with coueshunter, although 116 is a great buck I would've thought it would be bigger than that. Heck there's guys on here that have taken deer that big...only cost'm $17.50, If I had the $ to burn I would either be in old mexico or san carlos.

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now that i finally got the salami and cheese outta my nose, i can type something. man, that was rough. ok, now somebody really bought an auction javelina tag? i try to go pig huntin' every year, but seldom shoot one. just fun to get out that time o' year. can't imagine anyone bidding on a pig tag. what did it go for, a buck and a half? as far as someone shooting a 116 on a high dollar tag, there are always bigger animals taken every year by joe hunter with a permit they drew through the lottery and hunting unguided on wide open public land, than by the guys with big bucks, high dollar tags and famous guides. sorta shows ya who the hunters are. when a guy waits for years to get a quality permit, he tends to spend a lot of time gettin' real intimate with the wildlife in his unit and that is who the really big ones fall to. not some millionaire who sits in his office waiting for the phone to ring because he has a buncha guides out scouting for him and one of em saw a big one. i have no problem with these rich guys donating money to the cause. but i do sorta have a problem with em calling themselves hunters. sorta. i've never been so busy that i couldn't take the time myself to do the footwork. these big time ceo's don't have much time. if i had the bucks, i'd dang sure bid on those permits. but i wouldn't need a buncha guys beatin' the brush for me. if the 116 buck is for real, i'd imagine some guy flew to where it was, shot it and went home. seems to be the modus for most of these gov. tags. i mean good on him and all that. great buck. but it don't surprise me if it was "only" 116. Lark.

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I was hunting with a guy that bought the action buffalo tag last year. It was a ton cheaper than I tought it was going to be I believe it was under 10K. Which if you think about it the state tag cost 750 for a bull. That is a pretty good deal relatively speaking. He also bought the pig tag for his son. He told me what he paid for it. I forget the price but it wasn't very much. A few hundred or so. Ya kind of have to remember it is just a pig.


I've know two guys to buy the gov WT tag over the years. One of the guys was a dentist. Just a normal guy. The second guy had more money that he could ever spend (he isn't Mike Tyson). He looked around by himself and a few buddies for the majority of the hunt and never found a buck he wanted to shoot. So he didn't fill his tag. I believe he was looking for something in the 130+ range. Seems a bit extreme but it was his tag. So not everyone is a stuffy CEO that buys these tags. If you met any of these guys you wouldn't even know they had the means to purchase one of these tags.





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I only know about one of the hunters.

He's not a Non-Res. He has contributed tons to Az.

The buck was just under 120" & he took it the first Wk. end, Maybe the first few hours. He & his buddies have done this many times in the past, & have killed some real toads, generally in the same area. No guides they just know their shoot. He just likes to hunt early, & would have been just as happy with a 105" buck.

I would love to hunt those big boys in the velvet. (not a 70"dink witha bow)

I for one ,Thank him for all his support of Az. wildlife.


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Lots of interesting chat about the Governor Tags, but my point is a little different angle.


I may be wrong, but As I recall during her campaign, she was more of an Anti-gun Anti-hunter than Salmon was.?


Isn't it funny that our Governor who generally opposes guns and hunting is now able to "Sell or Auction" tags for big game when she generally is offended by hunting and Guns in General? I wonder who chooses the agencies that benefit from the Funds? I wonder if she just drums up funds for whatever special interest project on her wish list using these tags?


Sounds Sort of like a Tree-Hugger, Vegetarian, PETA member wearing leather shoes and a fur coat eating a hunk of jerky.


When you are a politician, I guess principles only apply to other people?

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