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Game Processor / Cooler near Patagonia or Sonoita???

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My buddy and I are headed to 35B for the November 4th-10th Coues hunt. We got to thinking about what we'd do with a buck if we got one, and where we'd store it while we were hunting for the next buck. The weather is not going to be cool enough to leave at camp, and I don't want to put one in an ice chest if I don't have to. So I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a Game Processor that would let us store a deer in his cooler while we continue hunting? I'd pay for the storage of course. If anyone can help us out, I'd really appreciate it. Even if we have to head into Nogales or Sierra Vista that would be fine. Thanks for the help.

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Only processor I know of that might work would be Wild Game Processors in Tucson. Located on the far westside of town. Not sure if he would store a deer, I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask. I'll PM the number

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Thanks everyone. I guess if we get one early enough, we can probably drop it off with WGP and just pick it up on our way home or something. Thanks for the tips.

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It's getting into the 40s at night and low 70s during the day according to my weather app. Get a couple cheap sleeping bags hang it at night in a game bag then double wrap the sleeping bags and keep in complete shade throughout the day and it will be fine, so long as you keep the fly's away from it and keep it completely dry. I've had that hunt the last 5 years and have kept deer up to six days this way with no problems.

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I bone them out and have gallon and 2.5 gallon bags. I try to keep all the muscle groups together. The hind quarter hams are too big to put in a gallon bag and still close it. I use 2 of those and probably 4 or 5 gallon per coues.

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I freeze 16 oz water bottles and take them in a yeti cooler frozen. Then remove frozen bottles and place one layer of frozen bottles on the bottom, then a game bag, lay the meat out and place another game bag on top, frozen bottles of water and game bag and lay more meat until all is in the cooler lasted for 8 days that way and the meat never got over 36 degrees. We were in a travel trailer and it enabled us to refreeze the bottles and add frozen bottles to the top of the cooler.

We make sure and keep the cooler in the shade.


Did it similar two years ago down south with another deer in another ice chest and it worked fantastic that time as well.


We processed both these ourselves the weekend after we got home.

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Well thanks for all the help guys. It ended up being cooler than I thought. We were able to hang both of our deer in game bags in the shade. It was cool enough at night, that the meet would cool down nicely. We ended up getting them to Casey in Flagstaff. Should be picking up my 20 lbs of meet in a few days. Lol.



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