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This is why some people don't deserve to hunt

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Sheldon, CWT has gone soft.


Don't shame poachers.


Don't shame thieves who ONLY admitted they stole something with young kids with them because they got caught. Its the new age my man!


Next thing you know, 'fear the fork' is going to cause hurt feelings and people are going to need to a safe space away from that phrase.


Does me calling you a Scumdevil offend you?

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Let me put this in terms that Hunters can understand. You're an anti Hunter sitting on Ridge glassing for deer, is it easier to see one deer on a ridge or is it easier to see five or six, it is completely that freaking simple. Each deer on that Ridge represents the negative post on a forum or website. Can you guys understand that or do I need to make a drawing with crayon.

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Casey. In my opinion it is not about being soft but rather about respect. Something you clearly do not have. You completely disrespected that woman today. It must really be nice to be perfect. How about you post a picture on FB of your trophy bobcat you shot in MX? Yeah that picture you quickly removed from the forum when it was pointed out to you that what you had done was illegal. Like they say, when u start pointing fingers at other people there are fingers pointing right back at yourself. I hope the Internet jerks from today have not pushed her out of hunting for ever.

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Prime example of why so many states require a hunter ed. Card.


I feel bad for her. Obviously made a very dumb mistake, but its also obvious shes taken an interest In A great sport, but doesnt really have anyone to show her the ropes.

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Casey. In my opinion it is not about being soft but rather about respect. Something you clearly do not have. You completely disrespected that woman today. It must really be nice to be perfect. How about you post a picture on FB of your trophy bobcat you shot in MX? Yeah that picture you quickly removed from the forum when it was pointed out to you that what you had done was illegal. Like they say, when u start pointing fingers at other people there are fingers pointing right back at yourself. I hope the Internet jerks from today have not pushed her out of hunting for ever.

John 8:7

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Anyone who makes a serious error then posts it online deserves a ribbing. But we've all been there and did something stupid at one point or another, learn from the mistake and move on. Who knows, maybe they will come on here and ask for help hunting, and the good members here will definitely oblige.


And whats all this talk of the "Antis", who cares what the antis say to begin with? They probably have no idea those nicely wrapped packages of burger at safeway used to be animals. Does anyone think we are going to make them happy? They are like radical muslims, no matter what you do you won't make them happy. SO STOP TRYING! It doesn't matter if you give them ammo or not, they will make crap up. Like the fat guy from whale wars that staged being shot to get publicity.

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I'm still not getting this. Aren't a lot of the east side of 17 units "any antlered"? Who says she didn't shoot it in 20c and just think it's a coues? No law for ignorance. If she's got a WT tag on it its a different story. I know that's a mistake none of us would make but hunters need to start somewhere. If she was legal then it doesn't matter if she's stupid. I had a hunter bring in a juvenile speckle belly one time when I was cleaning birds for extra money in high school, he thought it was a hen mallard. He was under his limit on both, so nothing illegal, but stupid. Yes.

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i hope she doesnt get in a lot of trouble or anything, the intent wasnt there....




Same goes for shooting a small spike on a doe hunt or a buck before the antlers break the skin. G&F can be pretty lenient especially when it involves a new hunter.

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I'm still not getting this. Aren't a lot of the east side of 17 units "any antlered"? Who says she didn't shoot it in 20c and just think it's a coues? No law for ignorance. If she's got a WT tag on it its a different story. I know that's a mistake none of us would make but hunters need to start somewhere. If she was legal then it doesn't matter if she's stupid. I had a hunter bring in a juvenile speckle belly one time when I was cleaning birds for extra money in high school, he thought it was a hen mallard. He was under his limit on both, so nothing illegal, but stupid. Yes.


It was a wt tag. Once they realized their mistake they self reported.

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WOW I cant believe the bleeding heart liberals on this site now. "We should love our poor criminals, they have excuses so it is okay." Dont hurt their poor little feelings. Why dont you libatards go give them counseling and some free stuff.

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Let me put this in terms that Hunters can understand. You're an anti Hunter sitting on Ridge glassing for deer, is it easier to see one deer on a ridge or is it easier to see five or six, it is completely that freaking simple. Each deer on that Ridge represents the negative post on a forum or website. Can you guys understand that or do I need to make a drawing with crayon.

Very much a visual learner....would love to see the drawing in crayon :) !!

Kind of a funny thread we let somebody who shot a mule deer with a whitetail tag get us all riled up nipping at each other like a bunch of rabid skunks.

Who needs anti's we'll kill ourselves off!!!

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I'm still not getting this. Aren't a lot of the east side of 17 units "any antlered"? Who says she didn't shoot it in 20c and just think it's a coues? No law for ignorance. If she's got a WT tag on it its a different story. I know that's a mistake none of us would make but hunters need to start somewhere. If she was legal then it doesn't matter if she's stupid. I had a hunter bring in a juvenile speckle belly one time when I was cleaning birds for extra money in high school, he thought it was a hen mallard. He was under his limit on both, so nothing illegal, but stupid. Yes.

legal or illegal, posting a muley and calling it a big 2 point coues is hilarious

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Casey. In my opinion it is not about being soft but rather about respect. Something you clearly do not have. You completely disrespected that woman today. It must really be nice to be perfect. How about you post a picture on FB of your trophy bobcat you shot in MX? Yeah that picture you quickly removed from the forum when it was pointed out to you that what you had done was illegal. Like they say, when u start pointing fingers at other people there are fingers pointing right back at yourself. I hope the Internet jerks from today have not pushed her out of hunting for ever.

Oh snap!

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