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I have seen 2 photgraphs on this forum that I would like to hear from the photographers on. One was the smugglers in 36B and the other is the huge piles of trash in the washes down there. If you are the photographers of these or know who they are would you please contact me?



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EBB, I believe Lance is the individual you are asking about. Try him at the e-mail address listed below.


Lance Altherr

Arizona Hunters Who Care


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EBB, I believe Lance is the individual you are asking about. Try him at the e-mail address listed below.


Lance Altherr

Arizona Hunters Who Care




I really appreciate that. Those are some powerful images for folks to see who proclaim to love and protect the outdoors and have stayed on the sidelines in this issue. I won't mention any names, but their club is named after a California mountain range.


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EBB, I was floored when I saw the outstanding photos taken by azhunterswhocare. I would only hope that if a hunter calls something like that in, that blackhawk helicopters would come diving out of the sky. I was told that when the border patrol catches and processes illegals for smuggling, they then return them to Mexico only to catch them another day. What's wrong with that??????


I have also seen the illegal immagrants garbage dumps left throughout our state. If they are only coming here to work, maybe they can start by cleaning the mess they left behind on their way BACK to Mexico.

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Guys, the pictures of the trash, I have thousands of those! From just about every unit in southern AZ. The pics of the smugglers was not taken by me. And for obviious reasons, I cant identify the person who took the photos. Those smugglers were caught!

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I remember stalking a deer 4 years ago and walking through something like that in the middle of my stalk. I thought to myself isn't it wonderful to be in the great outdoors. People who don't go down there have no idea of whats going on, it's rediculous.

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So this is what I get to look forward to on my 36B hunt eh???? Absolutely unacceptable :angry:



More than likely you will run into some kind of trash down there. Some areas will look normal until you get into the washes and then BAMM!! On the bright side if you need a backpack, or a change of clothes, there are usually plenty to choose from.

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post-565-1190347657_thumb.jpg Here is another trash site from 36B (great Muley area)


If anyone ever needs a backpack, let me know. I have found many $100+ backpacks, some nice pack frames and other good packs. Also many camo backpacks. I would love to donate the camo backpacks to some needy kids who want to hunt. Anyone got any ideas on that?

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Maybe donate some of the packs to the AZ Hunt of a Lifetime organization? They might find a use for them.


Or donate some to groups like the ADA and AES to give out at their youth hunter camps?



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I am astounded that many people still don't realize the enviornmental disaster that is happening on our border. I still cannot believe that our government has done nothing but encourage it with the pro illegal immigration policy. I know you and your organization has certainly done their part to get the word out and you must feel like Sisyphus. I would like to make a suggestion that is probably counter-intuitive, but hopefully you will see my logic. Maybe Hunters Who Care and all the other organiztions that help out need to STOP DOING THE CLEANUPS. Let the garbage pile up. Let the beautiful desert become the largest dump ever. Put out water level stakes in all the washes. Backpacks are running 2 feet today, plastic water bottles are at 4'. And maybe by the time you could see the garbage pile from space the people that could actually do somehing to stop this destruction will act. This may actually bring about change faster then what is happening now.


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