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boycott the harvest survey post card!!!!

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That was my first thought but since I have been neutered, I was afraid to say that.




Cat bait would also be my first choice.


Archery is legal in some city limits and most counties, Glendale is 39m right? I doubt I can find the rule about that :)

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The kid wasn't getting enough playing time, so he quit. Now he gets no playing time. He tried to poison the teams' attitude towards the coach, but those guys didn't want to throw away a whole season, besides the kid that quit wasn't that good anyway (thus the limited playing time) and wasn't willing to stick it out like a man and do everything he could to improve the situation and be of help to his team.

The team took state! And you know what? The coach wasn't all that good, but because the team refused to accept the negativity, they perservered and achieved their dream.

What happened to the quitter? Who cares?!


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