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Culture or clueless

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Kinda like pricks like this sonofabitch from Kalifornia no less. Asshat parked 20 feet from me and walked in my lot steps (he admitted it) to within 50 yards of where I and 4 other dudes were glassing. After a not-so-friendly conversation telling him we had backed out of areas he has been 3 days in a row out of respect and asking why he wouldn't do the same.



Its ok, because he's a douchebag, an hour later we had ghis 103" buck on the ground.




That was 2014 and still makes my blood boil.

Casey...you had a way of telling the story that made it funny.....but it ain't so funny....nice buck!!!

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I have a place I camp at (when I'm lucky enough to get a tag) which is at the end of a road. Two years ago every morning about an hour before sunrise there would be a steady stream of trucks and ATV's pull into my camp and head out, pretty frustrating but it all worked out.

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Guest oneshot

While moving in on another hunter is commanly accepted as a dick-move by most people, someone parking/setting-up camp near you is what you have when there are only so many limited flat spots, pull-offs to park. maybe put a note on which dirrection you went on your window, scratch an arrow in the dirt behind your rig, something to give a hint to other hunters... It will not keep everyone away, but it couldnt hurt...


(Yes, I always check ground sign around other rigs to get a clue of how many??? what dirrection??? age and older sign...)

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If you can see or hear someone your not camping. Just parking in the woods. Nothing beats getting away from human and machine noise. Breaking a sweat with a pack on your back and having a chunk of nature all to yourself is priceless. And that drink of whiskey after you take your pack off is heavenly.

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Ethnicity has nothing to do with ignorance. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a butthole baby.

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If you can see or hear someone your not camping. Just parking in the woods. Nothing beats getting away from human and machine noise. Breaking a sweat with a pack on your back and having a chunk of nature all to yourself is priceless. And that drink of whiskey after you take your pack off is heavenly.

A man after my own heart.


Now, what's the whiskey of choice?

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Knob creek or single barrel jack when I am doing well. Jim beam when I'm poor haha

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Ethnicity has nothing to do with ignorance. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a butthole baby.

I dont know about that, both hillary and donald are white. Guess im the butt thing.

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Knob creek or single barrel jack when I am doing well. Jim beam when I'm poor haha

<3 them both. Also tin cup and buffalo trace.

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Ethnicity has nothing to do with ignorance. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a butthole baby.

I dont know about that, both hillary and donald are white. Guess im the butt thing.
No your good. They are not white. They are yellow.
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Had that happen to me once. First one to set up and about 3 in the afternoon a group set up right next to us by the stream. It wasn't even a established camping area so they thought 30 yards was far enough. They started drinking and playing loud music as soon as they got there. About midnight with the radio still going and them all passed out, a 6'3" 280 pound bear walked through camp, and the radio ended up swimming with the fishes. Didn't have anymore loud music the rest of the weekend as they left because they were afraid of bears.

Did the bear have a Trump bumper sticker ?


No The Donald was not running then. Besides I found better bumper stickers to keep others away. The only thing that goes on my truck are PETA, WWF, the Rainbow Flag, etc. . Now if anybody shows up, even if it just me without the family, I just go tell them " I hope my husband and I don't keep you up with all the grunting tonight." Had several move camp after that.

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Had that happen to me once. First one to set up and about 3 in the afternoon a group set up right next to us by the stream. It wasn't even a established camping area so they thought 30 yards was far enough. They started drinking and playing loud music as soon as they got there. About midnight with the radio still going and them all passed out, a 6'3" 280 pound bear walked through camp, and the radio ended up swimming with the fishes. Didn't have anymore loud music the rest of the weekend as they left because they were afraid of bears.


Did the bear have a Trump bumper sticker ?

No The Donald was not running then. Besides I found better bumper stickers to keep others away. The only thing that goes on my truck are PETA, WWF, the Rainbow Flag, etc. . Now if anybody shows up, even if it just me without the family, I just go tell them " I hope my husband and I don't keep you up with all the grunting tonight." Had several move camp after that.
Thats real cute until you try it on a couple of fruity guys that are into that sort of thing and they ask if you're interested in a swap.

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Ewhaela..................go to your grocery store parking lot and look at all the carts parked all over the place when there is a rack for them to go into 10 feet away.........and people are too lazy to put them in the rack.....and you want them to behave in a respectful manner out in the woods??? Culture and flat rude lazy, white, purple, green, black don't matter what color they are all out there!!!

That's one of my biggest pet peeves. Half the time they don't even look to see if it's rolling away to hit someone's car.

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Had that happen to me once. First one to set up and about 3 in the afternoon a group set up right next to us by the stream. It wasn't even a established camping area so they thought 30 yards was far enough. They started drinking and playing loud music as soon as they got there. About midnight with the radio still going and them all passed out, a 6'3" 280 pound bear walked through camp, and the radio ended up swimming with the fishes. Didn't have anymore loud music the rest of the weekend as they left because they were afraid of bears.

Did the bear have a Trump bumper sticker ?
No The Donald was not running then. Besides I found better bumper stickers to keep others away. The only thing that goes on my truck are PETA, WWF, the Rainbow Flag, etc. . Now if anybody shows up, even if it just me without the family, I just go tell them " I hope my husband and I don't keep you up with all the grunting tonight." Had several move camp after that.
Thats real cute until you try it on a couple of fruity guys that are into that sort of thing and they ask if you're interested in a swap.


No you just say you are in a committed relationship and too jealous to share. Not too worried about it either way.

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took my little family up north for some fly fishing and to try and get away from the loud city life only to find the city life beat me up there. Non stop Spanish music. I'm not talking a little on and off music, I'm talking 2 full days where it never shut off. They played it till 12 o'clock at night. How rude can someone be? Do they not realize that nobody else camping wants to here this freaking music. Are they clueless of who else is camping next to them. We get enough of it in the valley, why take it up where most are trying to avoid the noise. I couldn't take it anymore. I lost it after walking over there and realizing they left it on even though nobody was at camp. i found them walking up the road. I told them how rude and annoying there music was and to shut it off so everybody could enjoy the quiet of the mountains . All I got was a middle finger. "Welcome to the new age camping everyone, its only going to get worst"

Maybe you should have asked them nicer.

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