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Ace High Benny


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Good day,


Does anybody know of any northern entry points into unit 36B (i:e FROM ARIVACA RD.)


The northern part seems to be occupied by private ranches, thus my question.


Information is appreciated.



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you can go through universal ranch road and zig zag your way back there. its been a while since ive last hunted that unit.

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Only a few spots to enter on the north side. Or go to Arivaca and go through the town heading east and make your way back there

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Kp 40 of I19 will give you access to the north east part of the unit.

KP 40 off I-19 is Aricava Rd. I am looking for points off Arivaca Rd. Thank you!

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Arivaca Rd. gives better access for blacktail. Been hunting that area for over 20 years. I've only spotted one or two bucks in that time and getting to higher whitetail territory takes some driving. I would gladly point you in the right direction for whitetails but I've never hunted whitetails there.


If you go to the town of Arivaca and then take the road that goes to the ghost town of Ruby, then you are in better territory for coues.

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