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Here we go AGAIN!!!

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I think all these d-bags are just doing it to grab some attention. Pathetic attention whores, nothing else.

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I think all these d-bags are just doing it to grab some attention. Pathetic attention whores, nothing else.

That's exactly what it is. Bunch of BS. If you cant stand up for the National Anthem you need to get out!

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I guess I helped in still a different perspective in my son, I like to think so. He's the third Marine on the left at a Golden State Warriors game a few years ago. For years when not deployed, he volunteered as standard bearer at those thankless basketball games. But always proud of his role and never complained.


By the way, that's Prince Harry seated on the far left in camo.


In 2002, the politically correct GSW informed a police honor guard they were not to bring rifles into the arena during the flag presentation for fear the rifles might scare someone, so the cops packed up ol Glory and left and there was no presentation.

I don't believe the USMC was approached with a similar request, but I would not hold my breath.




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I guess I helped in still a different perspective in my son, I like to think so. He's the third Marine on the left at a Golden State Warriors game a few years ago. For years when not deployed, he volunteered as standard bearer at those thankless basketball games. But always proud of his role and never complained.


By the way, that's Prince Harry seated on the far left in camo.


In 2002, the politically correct GSW informed a police honor guard they were not to bring rifles into the arena during the flag presentation for fear the rifles might scare someone, so the cops packed up ol Glory and left and there was no presentation.

I don't believe the USMC was approached with a similar request, but I would not hold my breath.




Many thanks for people like you and your son who put it on the line for our freedoms!!!

Hard to figure disrespecting the flag that represents the freedoms these spoiled brats enjoy!!!

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I guess I helped in still a different perspective in my son, I like to think so. He's the third Marine on the left at a Golden State Warriors game a few years ago. For years when not deployed, he volunteered as standard bearer at those thankless basketball games. But always proud of his role and never complained.

By the way, that's Prince Harry seated on the far left in camo.

In 2002, the politically correct GSW informed a police honor guard they were not to bring rifles into the arena during the flag presentation for fear the rifles might scare someone, so the cops packed up ol Glory and left and there was no presentation.

I don't believe the USMC was approached with a similar request, but I would not hold my breath.attachicon.gifd019cd202c23b2740101d32b645c4ac0.jpg


Many thanks for people like you and your son who put it on the line for our freedoms!!!

Hard to figure disrespecting the flag that represents the freedoms these spoiled brats enjoy!!!

Family tradition.

Two things that tear me up is the Natl Anthem and seeing my kids in uniform.


Here he can serve his country and put his life on the line in Iraq or Afghanistan but he's prohibited from owning firearms in the all important state of California due to having been stopped with a concealed weapon, a knife; nearly 20 years ago as a juvenile. You're welcome, Kommie F ing Kalifornia.

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Even crazy Ruth Ginsberg said it's stupid and disrespectful

I heard, thought next I'd see pigs fly.

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These people have zero respect for this country or the brave men & women that serve in our military. They need to get the f*** out & live somewhere else.

Our country is falling apart & the lack of respect people have anymore is absolutely disgusting!!!

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These people have zero respect for this country or the brave men & women that serve in our military. They need to get the f*** out & live somewhere else.

Our country is falling apart & the lack of respect people have anymore is absolutely disgusting!!!

if they lived abroad, in the regions that they are protesting for, they will realize how good America actually is!! I know all the news shows is crap. "A WHITE!!! cop shot an UNARMED BLACK MAN!!!!" Trump is bad, everyone wants to deport any non "European" citizen. The folks who oppose normalcy and want to continue or start arguments are the folks that are racist. Most of us just go to work everyday and enjoy our hobbies (work paid for said hobbies) no agenda, no racism, hatred. Some people can't let us do that.
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These people have zero respect for this country or the brave men & women that serve in our military. They need to get the f*** out & live somewhere else.

Our country is falling apart & the lack of respect people have anymore is absolutely disgusting!!!

if they lived abroad, in the regions that they are protesting for, they will realize how good America actually is!! I know all the news shows is crap. "A WHITE!!! cop shot an UNARMED BLACK MAN!!!!" Trump is bad, everyone wants to deport any non "European" citizen. The folks who oppose normalcy and want to continue or start arguments are the folks that are racist. Most of us just go to work everyday and enjoy our hobbies (work paid for said hobbies) no agenda, no racism, hatred. Some people can't let us do that.
All the while your taxes pay for many of these protesting jackwagons welfare

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