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Hikers found a dead bull

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I'm Not sure if the date posted on the hikers page is the day they were actually up there but that bull seems to be too fresh on 10/8/16 if the last bull hunt was 9/22/16.


Anyone agree or am I way off?

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I'm Not sure if the date posted on the hikers page is the day they were actually up there but that bull seems to be too fresh on 10/8/16 if the last bull hunt was 9/22/16.


Anyone agree or am I way off?

I was thinking same thing. My wife shot a bull and lost it and found 2 days later and it didn't look anything like that bull.

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My bet he was hit bad by another bull. Not all bulls found dead are by hunters.

There was a good bull found dead by the golf course here in Payson. Guess they pulled a big tine out of its side

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I seem to find a dead bull almost annually that I presume is killed by another bull

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Bull on bull crime is getting to be an epidemic in our elk communities! BLM!

Atleast the elk serve a purpose unlike the BLM



BLM = Domestic Terrorists.

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