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Archery Deer

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As you can see I was way off! Although he has a few extra points his beams look very short to me, he has no g-3 on the right, his mass on the left looks below average for a buck that scores that high???


Please don't take this the wrong way I'd shoot that buck without hesitation even with a rifle! I think he's an exceptional buck! I'm just trying to figure out how I blew this one so bad. I'd be interested in the measurements if you wouldn't mind posting them?


Congrats again Mike on an incredible accomplishment and please don't be mad at me for being such a critic I'm just trying to learn from my mistakes. For me it's as easy as shoot or don't shoot anymore and in this case it would be shoot without a doubt!

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It's alright Jason, I was really suprised the first time I scored him at over 100" I thought he would go mid 80's. Here is the spreadsheet my taxidermist used. He's got quite a few non-typical points that add up the gross score, his mass measurments were good and his left main beam is quite long.



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WOW!!! I actually had the spread, mass, and non-typical points almost right on. It's the typical measurements that threw me a curve??? His beams are much longer than I thought.


Thanks for posting that Mike and thanks for not slamming me for beating up on that beautiful buck of yours!

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Mike you probably won't appreciate my comment as much now since we've chatted outside the forums......but a big congrats!! There are two people on this forum that I've met that have more determination and dedication for these deer than anyone I've ever met......yourself and Bowsniper.


The many hours that you've spent, the personal injuries and your pure determination have served you well this year! That is an amazing buck!!!! You deserved it! If that deer could share his feelings about the person who harvested him......well I'm sure he'd say "I was harvested by a true, dedicated sportsman/outdoorsman".


Again congrats!!!

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Mike you probably won't appreciate my comment as much now since we've chatted outside the forums......but a big congrats!! There are two people on this forum that I've met that have more determination and dedication for these deer than anyone I've ever met......yourself and Bowsniper.


The many hours that you've spent, the personal injuries and your pure determination have served you well this year! That is an amazing buck!!!! You deserved it! If that deer could share his feelings about the person who harvested him......well I'm sure he'd say "I was harvested by a true, dedicated sportsman/outdoorsman".


Again congrats!!!



Well said... you are very right. Mike really needed and deserved to harvest a great buck like that! I can't say Congrats, enough to you, Mike. Bravo! :D

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First of all let me say that is a trophy of a life time right there. What I would give to have that hanging on my wall. There has been alot of nice things said about your character on here. I've never met you but it's good to know we have people of your caliber doing the right things and hunting hard. Congrat. on one DANDY BUCK! :D



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Thanks everyone for the kind words. I really needed that knowing I won't be able to hunt the late kiabab hunt of a lifetime. A lot of you guys were really close on the gross score!!! He was measured at 104 6/8ths gross, and 88" net. Lots of deductions!!! He is by far the biggest buck I've taken so I'm pretty stoked!!



You should be stoked! hes a great looking buck, great job but too much patients,I would have taken him the first time.

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Congratulations Mike. It's awesome to see that you are back in action! Great buck. I know you put a lot of work into your hunts and it was a great sight to see you holding that nice buck in your hands. Rich.

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