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what unit?

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Why are people so secretive and defensive about in which unit they just succeeded? Its not like we don't know where the trophy units are already. Are we afraid that simply saying what unit will cause a sudden rush to the unit?


And heaven forbid someone have the audacity to ASK. I honestly just don't get the taboo.


Maybe I am just getting old...

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It doesn't necessarily "matter", but it makes better conversation. I think it just adds to the story. Sometimes the answer is expected and sometimes not is a surprise.


It's like telling your buddy about this hot girl you met but won't say where you met her.

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Winkem tells blinkem, blimkem tells nod and nod tells barney!!!

I never have trouble telling people a unit number, but there is evidence out there that loose lips have ruined good honey holes.


People just get paranoid and have good reason to want to try and keep a spot off the radar. Human nature?


One thing that we rarely talk about on CWT is the fact that our state over the last 50 years has seen an incredible population boom. Our Elk and Deer get hunted hard by large populations from August through January........

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That's just it. A UNIT is far from a honey hole. I am not saying to give GPS coordinates, but to not state the UNIT is silly to me.


I would find it VERY hard to believe that just because someone states what unit they were in when they had success, all of the sudden that unit is going to become more inundated with hunters. What unit already doesn't get a ton of applications?


There are only so many tags and your wait to get one is very unlikely to change. I agree, the population growth has more to do with it than anything else.


I don't know, I just think it is silly.

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That's just it. A UNIT is far from a honey hole. I am not saying to give GPS coordinates, but to not state the UNIT is silly to me.


I would find it VERY hard to believe that just because someone states what unit they were in when they had success, all of the sudden that unit is going to become more inundated with hunters. What unit already doesn't get a ton of applications?


There are only so many tags and your wait to get one is very unlikely to change. I agree, the population growth has more to do with it than anything else.


I don't know, I just think it is silly.

I think the internet does contribute to how many applications there are for a specific unit, so in that regards I do think it affects draw odds............but like you said it is kinda silly but to think it doesn't affect number of applications for a unit would be a little off the mark as well.

Especially when you think of out of staters or uniformed instaters who are wondering what unit to apply for the internet becomes a quick source of information which you can also get numbers from AZGF......so it does become a moot point.


I don't blame people for not saying but it doesn't bother me to say......

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the popular units it's not going to make a difference but you can bet if I find a deer honey hole I can hunt with a leftover tag I'm not going to announce it from the rooftops.

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I generally don't mind sharing however- what used to be a honey hole for me has completely changed once I helped some hunters fill their tags because there kids were with them. There are 2x as many people in this little area and 1/2 as many deer now. The deer are also about a 1/2 mile farther in to avoid the people. I have had cams up in this place for close to 7 years now and 4 years ago is when I helped a couple of guys- since then it has ALL changed.


It can make a difference.

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Just assume everyone, sharing unit numbers are lying, and then it really doesn't matter. The best, are the guys who take the time to black out 80% of a picture in order not to give anything away. They deserve extra credit !

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Why are people so secretive and defensive about in which unit they just succeeded? Its not like we don't know where the trophy units are already. Are we afraid that simply saying what unit will cause a sudden rush to the unit?


And heaven forbid someone have the audacity to ASK. I honestly just don't get the taboo.


Maybe I am just getting old...

Did you change your username? Someone made this exact same thread before

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No, I have not changed my username and I have not been on here long enough to read every thread. I thought it to be a good conversation.


For clarification, I am not talking about honey holes or specific locations. CLEARLY I would never expect anyone to divulge that info. But not saying a UNIT?


Also, I am not talking about the guys who shoot a one in a lifetime trophy. Just us regular shmoes that killed a regular animal.


I guess we all just have different mindsets when it comes to hunting .


It's just a conversation.

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Why give away any info about where you killed it? If I kill a big bull in a top unit I don't mind telling the unit but if I kill a good animal in a lower quality unit why would I say what unit? Because it's only gonna give people the urge to also apply in that unit or come to that unit to start looking around. Giving a unit can only hurt you and definitely won't help you in the long run.

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Agreed, I was a fisherman before coming into hunting and I always lie! I don't think if I posted a unit I was ever truthful. Lol and that's the truth

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Most people will say what unit when the draw results come out on here. When they post their story and pics, they wont tell what unit. :lol:


Telling people what unit will only hurt your odds of drawing the tag again. As far as Bighorn sheep and Antelope I dont think its a big deal cause the tags are hard to get anyway.

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