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thoughts of a wannabe elk hunter

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I just finished about 12 days of archery elk hunting. I didn't tag out but had a blast. I could have been done on small bulls several times but chose to pass. I had several observations in the 12 days I spent in the woods chasing bulls.


Elk have another face on the back of their head. It didn't seem to matter what direction I came towards an elk he either saw, heard or winded me.

There is an elk god that makes the wind always blow in their favor. It will change at the last minute and leave you wondering WTH just happened?

I was always behind a bugling bull. They are always going away from you, never to you.

I suck at calling. They ran like the devil was chasing them. When I quit calling they ran like the devil was chasing them.

They will water at whatever tank I was not sitting on.

Everyone but me killed a good bull.

I suck at estimating distances.

I suck at elk hunting.


I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, sore feet, sore shoulders from carrying a heavy pack, thunderstorms, lightning, mosquitoes, getting 5 hours of sleep a night and never getting rested included.


I thank my God for the opportunity to be in the woods with His creation and great friends


Congrats to all of you that filled your tag. I can't wait to get out there and do it again.


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You just summed up archery elk hunting in a nutshell. This was my 2nd archery elk hunt and decided to take a 4x5 this year. My 1st hunt was unsuccessful.

It's amazing how much you learn from those hunts

Congrats on putting it all in perspective and having a great time!

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opportunity trumps suck no matter how you look at it....get em next time!

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Best way to learn is feet first ;)

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All my elk hunts have been a comedy of errors. I could write a book of what not to do! Lol

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I agree with campnichols, all summed up in a nut shell. Good post, this made me think of all my bloopers will I was chasing them a few years back. Great time...

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The wind thing is no joke. Every one of my stalks this year had the wind switch on me too...

I think that wind thing applies to everywhere in Arizona no matter what youre stalking.


Creed, you definetely have more restraint than I, I would've got trigger happy and let fly at one of those little guys by day 2.

better luck next time.

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Too funny, this is how I felt last year. Every time I started a stalk with the wind in my face it ended with the wind at my back. I love though and would trade it for nothing.

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