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Shooter App question

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When you're entering new ammo information and you get to the Zero Atmosphere section, do you enter the atmospheric conditions when sighting in that ammo? Then when you are on the main page selecting your rifle and that ammo do you then change the atmospheric conditions to your current conditions while hunting and ready to take to take a shot?

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When you're entering new ammo information and you get to the Zero Atmosphere section, do you enter the atmospheric conditions when sighting in that ammo? Then when you are on the main page selecting your rifle and that ammo do you then change the atmospheric conditions to your current conditions while hunting and ready to take to take a shot?

Yes. It will compare the current atmosphere numbers against the zero atmosphere numbers to give you a solution. The zero atmosphere isn't that important if you always shoot in similar conditions....but if you sight in at 2500' with 90 degree temps and the hunt at 7000' with 40 degree temps the solution will be much more accurate with the zero atmosphere info entered.

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