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How is the elk hunting?

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Doesn't seem like I'm reading many reports, maybe the site is just slower this year. I've been hunting with my dad since opening day and some days it's been good some days it's been slow.

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My buddy just connected yesterday on a 5x5 in 5BN. Very slow, not very responsive to calls. Most of the people I knew hunting in 6a tagged out early on smaller bulls.

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We have been on at least one each day, but not talking and VERY skittish. I got mine last week and working on my buddies this week.


Had some talking tonight that we will chase in the morning.



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Was with my buddy Saturday and he tagged out on a nice 300ish 6 pt. We got into them real good in the morning but the rest of the day was super quiet. Basically 1 bugle after 8 am.


I am not regretting waiting a year near as much as I was in May.


I've had blood under my fingernails 4/5 weekends since August. We've been busy.

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Im in 6b in my tent right now. Bugles first hour then thats it. Put a stock on a big 6 this am but no luck. Cows busted me. No bugles this evening at all. 84 degrees. Big storm coming next 3 days. Hopefully better. Sticking till end

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From what I have seen and heard, same as every other year....hit and miss depending on where you are. I hunt 8 a lot and have seen/heard people say 8 is super slow this year, but talked to a guy that said he was shocked at how great it was considering the early opening day(the 9th), said the bulls have been going off the whole season.

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[quote name="Flatlander" post="679468" timestamp=


I am not regretting waiting a year near as much as I was in May.




One in the hand is better than 2 in the bush.

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I had an outstanding hunt in Unit 1!! Bulls bugling most days, sometimes for several hours and sometimes for just a bit, but it was plenty for me. Chased bugles, set-up ambushes, cut them off, begged, prayed, etc... In the end, I didn't end-up killing (or wounding) anything. Passed on a couple of small ones and choked on a big one or two! :P Spent 11 amazing days in the woods and had a great time!


Two big lessons learned for me: 1) Need to learn to bugle better so I don't just scare them off! 2) Extra patience while waiting in a likely ambush spot. Just because they are not making noise does NOT mean that they are not coming. Twice I got antsy and moved, only to then see nice bulls parade by the spot I had been sitting just a 1/2 hour before! ;)


Anyway, overall it was an amazing time in the woods!






PS: Big thanks to those who provided help and advice on the unit. Extra BIG thanks to Pine Donkey!!!!!!! You made my hunt, Robert!! :D

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Call me crazy (wont be the first time)......


I have NEVER seen a standard (all elk are rutting or all elk are not rutting) status quo. Yes I know daylight phase and temps play a role but I would put my pay check on it that some bigger bulls literally just get the ball rolling.


I think some just horn up early (and others late) and then the other bulls in the herd follow suit. In units I have been in you'll see a herd going crazy then in another part of the unit (a long distance away) other herds are doing almost nothing. Anyway...that is just my experience. It just a matter of luck if you run into a herd that has some good activity.


I always call the most amount of bulls in during the Fall Turkey hunts the first week of Oct.

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