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Memoriable Hunt in 5BS

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I am going to start off by saying this may get a little long.


I have not hunted in over 17 years just before my dad passed and not archery since I was 14. It was too difficult for me at the time to hunt without my dad. I was 17 years old and my dad did everything. I did not know the first thing about archery hunting. So I began with earlier this year by tagging along with a buddy for his archery turkey hunt. I forgot how fun hunting is and challenging. This started to peak my interest in hunting again. So I put in for 5BS archery bull this year and got drawn.


I started off by coming to this site to learn as much as I could. I scouted the area as much as I could as well. I wanted to shoot one with my dad's old bow but after 100 or so shots it broke and I could not find replacement parts. So I had to get another bow. I learned so much from TimberMesa Outdoors and practiced 3 to 5 times a week up until the week of the hunt.


On to the hunt. I started out at Pine Mtn. I could not really find any I saw one cow over 400 yards away. So I changed course and went east towards the Bawcom Tank area. I finally started to hear bugles and saw an elk every day of the hunt. I went from opening day until yesterday. I might still go out on the last day of the hunt if I can swing it.


The most memorable moment so far was on Tuesday I saw some elk quite a ways out there. I stopped sitting on my spot and started following them with the hopes of getting closer. The wind was blowing the right direction and was pretty strong. I was able to track them for over 1.5 miles. I got up on them in real thick trees. Just when I thought I would lose them I either smelled them or they sounded off. An opportunity arose when a bull came through the trees and stood 18 yards from me. I had to bend down due to shot lane and took the shot. I am not 100% sure I hit him. I had so much adrenaline and emotions that my shot could have very well been off. I tracked the area for over 3 hours scouring the mountainside looking for signs. Then again another day just to make sure I searched every spot. I could not find any signs or my arrow.


Even though I have not harvested an elk yet I am happy to know that I have seen elk every day I think of this as a successful hunt. Also having the ability to track them undetected for over 1.5 miles is pretty cool.


I want to thank this community for all of the information on the site. Especially AZKenDog3 and Duarte64 for all of your help during the hunt.


One of the best things that came from this hunt is my wife is interested in hunting. She is already looking at bows and the spring turkey hunt. This would be a great thing to teach her and our kids even though they are only 4.





P.S if anyone has information where they are hearing bugles in 5BS and want to pass it along that would be greatly appreciated. Since Bawcom seems to have died down.

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Drive the highway just before sun up , stop and listen, drive a little , stop and listen ,repeat you will find them , they'll either will be crossing the highway to you or will be from the fence line to about 100yrds in. It will work you just have to be able to hit one. Try it

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I just got in from hunting 9 days in 5BS. I have had 6 bulls 42 yards and under that had no clue I was there. They just weren't what I was looking for. I needed a break and the weather gave me an excuse to come home for a couple of days before going back out. Maybe I will be lowering my expectations when I go

back and look for freezer material. :)


Bugling was nearly nonexistent where I have been hunting.

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This hunt ended up being a huge success without tagging out. My wife had a great time. She really enjoyed seeing the elk and tracking them. The wind changed on us at about 60 yards away and the elk ran off. I thought she would be bummed out but she was amazed how magnificent these creatures are and had an immediate respect for them. On the drive home she kept talking about how beautiful they are and asked a lot of questions about hunting them. She also really enjoyed just being outdoors with no electronic devices. It has taken me a long time to show her how awesome the outdoors can be.


The best alternative ending to this hunt happened she wants to get on the card next year. She wants to try archery first. Now that surprised me I thought she would want to try rifle first.


I tried to attach a picture but get a message that says "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." I added it as my avatar

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If you can get your wife interested that's awesome. My wife is totally into the outdoors and grew up in a hunting family and just starting hunting a couple years ago herself. It's great to have something that can be a family event. Glad you had a good time.

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