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How Do We Make Changes in AG&FD?????

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Hey Outdoor Writer,


We all know changes need to be made, but how? Can we start a ballet initiative to change the AG&FD Counsel members positions to ELECTED POSITIONS and vote them out? Can we start a liason group consisting of a member from all the splinter groups to try and consolidate Arizona Hunter Views? Do we just storm in large numbers one of the meetings and just throw them out and take over? What you say, Outdoor Writer.

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Hey Outdoor Writer,


We all know changes need to be made, but how? Can we start a ballet initiative to change the AG&FD Counsel members positions to ELECTED POSITIONS and vote them out? Can we start a liason group consisting of a member from all the splinter groups to try and consolidate Arizona Hunter Views? Do we just storm in large numbers one of the meetings and just throw them out and take over? What you say, Outdoor Writer.


I would look at it from the perspective that who is going to get voted in? The majority of the voting public is "NON hunting." They will have the power to vote in a tree huggin', no animal eatin', anti-huntin' individual.

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Hey Outdoor Writer,


We all know changes need to be made, but how? Can we start a ballet initiative to change the AG&FD Counsel members positions to ELECTED POSITIONS and vote them out? Can we start a liason group consisting of a member from all the splinter groups to try and consolidate Arizona Hunter Views? Do we just storm in large numbers one of the meetings and just throw them out and take over? What you say, Outdoor Writer.


I would look at it from the perspective that who is going to get voted in? The majority of the voting public is "NON hunting." They will have the power to vote in a tree huggin', no animal eatin', anti-huntin' individual.


I agree with that, we can't let the anti's vote for our commissioners, they might suck but they aren't anti. We need a new Governor who would put people in there that truly look out for the hunters, the habitat, and the wildlife, not just one or the other. Showing up at the commission meetings in numbers does have an effect on the ones we have, I would say that everyone speeaking their mind at these meetings would have an even greater effect.

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Do we just storm in large numbers one of the meetings and just throw them out and take over? What you say, Outdoor Writer.


This is probably your best option. I'll have my cousin Guido from Joisey call you; he has some good friends who enjoy a bit of throwing out and taking over.


That whole election thing could get kinda messy since you might actually get what you wish for but not like it after you get it. -TONY

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The most effective way to make an impact and effect change is to show up at commission meetings, go to your conservation group meetings and be heard. The last two or so years have shown that even being heard from by your conservation group representative is not enough, you must show up in force at the commission meetings. I seriously doubt we want commissioners who are voted in (at the present time) because the voting/hunter ranks are so low that we would most likely get anti types voted in. Right now with the appointed commissioners, we at least have a sway in who is there. I will beat the dead horse and say again, all of us must get involved. PHYSICAL PRESENCE in addition to behind the scenes activities is the only way to effect change..........Allen..........

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"Money talks and something else walks" as the old saying goes.


Boycott might be the only answer.


1 year of license / tag sales at an 80% decline might get their attention.

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"Money talks and something else walks" as the old saying goes.


Boycott might be the only answer.


1 year of license / tag sales at an 80% decline might get their attention.


This would be a good idea however the non res would eat it up. I think education is the answer to anti's. Explain to everybody you ever come across personaly with in the next five years who does not know why we do what we do. Educate the voters one at a time. Explain to them that they cant believe everything a katie cupcake or a rosey posey says on tv.

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1 year of license / tag sales at an 80% decline might get their attention.


Be careful of what you wish for because you might get it. An 80% decline in revenue would send the agency straight into the arms of groups such as HSUS. If AGFD loses hunters' money you can bet it will do anything -- including selling us out -- to stay in business.


Bill Quimby

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I think the 1st change to take place would be to contact the Governor and request that a qualified person be appointed to the Commission that will take Mike Golightly's position.

This will happen in the next 6 months or earlier. maybe we need to contact WCC and other organizations and see who is being nominated.

We need to have more say so in this and not leave it up to the organizations to do it for us. As you can see, we have a poor Commission now.

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I think the 1st change to take place would be to contact the Governor and request that a qualified person be appointed to the Commission that will take Mike Golightly's position.

This will happen in the next 6 months or earlier. maybe we need to contact WCC and other organizations and see who is being nominated.

We need to have more say so in this and not leave it up to the organizations to do it for us. As you can see, we have a poor Commission now.




right on brother!

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go back to the very first post, elect a new governor. and a good one. this guy we got now is a farce. Lark.




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The most effective way to make an impact and effect change is to show up at commission meetings, go to your conservation group meetings and be heard. The last two or so years have shown that even being heard from by your conservation group representative is not enough, you must show up in force at the commission meetings.



While we all have the ability to voice our opinions at commission meetings the schedule makes it very difficult. Commission meetings are typically held M-F during the day and are hosted all over the state. We have families, regular M-F jobs, and cannot take time off from work/family to drive all over the state and make our voices heard.


G+F expecting people to miss work to attend is unacceptable. The meeting schedule needs to be revised to include weekends but it is probably unreasonable to expect the commissioners to give up their weekends to serve the public.


There is a commission meeting today in Pinetop at 8am. I am guessing attendance will be very low... Hmmm, wonder why?


<End Rant>

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Most of the wildlife groups can't fight political battles and for that reason concentrate on habitat, youth involvement and other projects for the wildlife and hunting heritage. This is regulated by being a 501-C3 Non-Profit.

If you really want to be heard you need to be educated about the processes that are involved in the political end of the G&F.

AZSFW is fighting many of the political battles. I know that they don't go around tooting their horn but they are a very powerful force in the wildlife society and have the power and money to fight. The only groups that can put more into the political arena are the AZSFW, WCC, and AWF.

The AZSFW and WCC have teamed up to finance an email newsletter to let the Sportsmen know about what is happening in AZ. The last issue was full of stuff that you need to know about that happened at the last Commission meeting. AZSFW and the WCC have interviews and set criteria to make sure that they support new Commissioners that are good for the wildlife, hunting and habitat in AZ.




To sign up go here: http://www.arizonasportsmenforwildlife.org/index.asp


To read the last newsletter go here: http://www.arizonasportsmenforwildlife.org...ewsletter-2.htm



Arizona Elk Society

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