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How Do We Make Changes in AG&FD?????

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well think about what you are asking for, CHANGES it would take a lot of support to make CHANGES and if you can't get people to come to a simple commision meeting 14 at the last one I was at, How do you think your going to get enough support to make a CHANGE. get real Hunters don't care enough to spend the time and money to make a difference!!!!

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Just some comic relief here: I once saw a bumper sticker that read " Vote From the Rooftops"


Of course I would never advocate anything of the sort, but funny sticker!

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theres nothing we can do.


G&F doesnt care what we think, were not their constituants. We're just an antiquated management tool in their minds.

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I really think that you guys should go for the boycott next year to get their attention :lol: :lol: , I will let you know how my Kaibab hunt goes next year during your boycott :lol:

YOu really need to elect a new Gov and get rid of Janet Napolitransvestito :lol:

Actually all that you really need to do is do some lame old study that shows that deer and elk are detrimental to the mexican spotted owl population and the Game and fish and the tree huggers will fall all over themselves to save those feathered little buggers. Of course then, elk and deer will be as rare as a professional arizona lumberjack!! ag

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I will let you know how my Kaibab hunt goes next year during your boycott


Wanna camp together??? ;) -TONY



Reminds me of a Joke about camping and vaseline :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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