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" Everything I see on the hunting channels shows the hunter over corn fields , bean fields,wheat fields, etc.........and they are primarily hunting these type of fields in just about every state but Az and a couple others I think."


The last deer I shot in Arizona was one of 14 bucks feeding in a maize field in 2003. My partner shot his buck the day before in a chili patch. We found nothing unethical about our hunts, and would do it again in a heartbeat if we could draw permits. (Neither of us has drawn any kind of permit in the last four years.) When you are as old, fat and feeble as I am you'll hunt the maize and chili fields, too.


Bill Quimby

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“Ethical” does not equal “Legal” and “Legal” does not equal “Ethical”

This paradox has caused the formation and fall of every government in the history of mankind.


Laws are between you and your Government.

Laws are only as good as the people that wrote and enforce them.

Ethics are between you and God.

Ethics are only as good as YOU.



Let’s stop confusing the two. That’s what we have politicians and lawyers for.




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Ethical, Legal, moral, are definitely subjective.... a lot like politics. Opinions are that way also. Everyone has one and someone else will think it stinks.


When I look at this rule, or others, I try to determine if what I am doing meets the "Spirit of the law" if not the letter of the law.

I view the "attractant" and "Advantage" points to be from an "interactive" angle. Using radios or cameras for example should not be a problem before a season, while scouting, but communicating real time info During a hunt would not meet the "spirit" of what the law intended.... at least to me.

Someone else might use radios and some code words to avoid breaking the law, but they certainly are breaking the spirit of the law even though they never say one word about game, they manipulate the situation to meet their own lack of ethics.


Great topic, Sure wish I showed up to this topic sooner but I guess it's better late than never.

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so now according to -}-> (ain't that the same thing prince calles hisself now?) we gotta incorporate legal, ethical and spiritual? so i'm gonna go to heck if i use a trail camera and you think it's unethical? or you're gonna go to heck if i think the way you hunt is unethical? ethics are between me and me. don't put the creator into this. dang, if i'm gonna offend the heavenly hosts for huntin' i guess i'm hellbound for sure. look out satan, you got some competition on the way. i'm gonna knot yer tail, dehorn, brand, ear mark and castrate ya and kick yer butt right outta there and put in some A/C. when i kick satan outta heck where's he gonna go? AJ? ok now, one more time, slowly, ethics-is-your-opinion. you-can't-legislate-ethics. dang-it. Lark.

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" Everything I see on the hunting channels shows the hunter over corn fields , bean fields,wheat fields, etc.........and they are primarily hunting these type of fields in just about every state but Az and a couple others I think."


The last deer I shot in Arizona was one of 14 bucks feeding in a maize field in 2003. My partner shot his buck the day before in a chili patch. We found nothing unethical about our hunts, and would do it again in a heartbeat if we could draw permits. (Neither of us has drawn any kind of permit in the last four years.) When you are as old, fat and feeble as I am you'll hunt the maize and chili fields, too.


Bill Quimby


Thanks Bill. ;)

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" Everything I see on the hunting channels shows the hunter over corn fields , bean fields,wheat fields, etc.........and they are primarily hunting these type of fields in just about every state but Az and a couple others I think."


The last deer I shot in Arizona was one of 14 bucks feeding in a maize field in 2003. My partner shot his buck the day before in a chili patch. We found nothing unethical about our hunts, and would do it again in a heartbeat if we could draw permits. (Neither of us has drawn any kind of permit in the last four years.) When you are as old, fat and feeble as I am you'll hunt the maize and chili fields, too.


Bill Quimby


did he taste like Tamales?


PS... We all hunt habitat; man made or natural it doesn't matter..



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" Everything I see on the hunting channels shows the hunter over corn fields , bean fields,wheat fields, etc.........and they are primarily hunting these type of fields in just about every state but Az and a couple others I think."


The last deer I shot in Arizona was one of 14 bucks feeding in a maize field in 2003. My partner shot his buck the day before in a chili patch. We found nothing unethical about our hunts, and would do it again in a heartbeat if we could draw permits. (Neither of us has drawn any kind of permit in the last four years.) When you are as old, fat and feeble as I am you'll hunt the maize and chili fields, too.


Bill Quimby


did he taste like Tamales?


PS... We all hunt habitat; man made or natural it doesn't matter..




My point exactly.

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" Everything I see on the hunting channels shows the hunter over corn fields , bean fields,wheat fields, etc.........and they are primarily hunting these type of fields in just about every state but Az and a couple others I think."


The last deer I shot in Arizona was one of 14 bucks feeding in a maize field in 2003. My partner shot his buck the day before in a chili patch. We found nothing unethical about our hunts, and would do it again in a heartbeat if we could draw permits. (Neither of us has drawn any kind of permit in the last four years.) When you are as old, fat and feeble as I am you'll hunt the maize and chili fields, too.


Bill Quimby


did he taste like Tamales?


PS... We all hunt habitat; man made or natural it doesn't matter..




My point exactly.


I killed a deer that had been feeding in a chili patch once, and this was the best tasting deer i have ever had

I also can't beleive this thread has gone this long


trailcam on!

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